
Active Member
hi all
hope u can help
here goes,the clutch pedal got low the other day about and inch from bottom so decided to bleed the system NO air fitted slave before christmas and no fluid loss at all. Gears starting to be difficult for last few weeks,anyway when finshed bleeding there was no pressure at all on the pedal started the engine and when pedal pressed it gives off a sort of scrapping sound so i gather the fluid is pushing the pushrod but not sure what is happening. any ideas anyone.
now if the engine needs to be taken out to do the clutch as ive heard it easier than removing box how do i remove the bolts at the top of gearbox and is it possible to leave water in engine but removing fan blade and pulling engine forward or removing from car altogether. any extra infor or pics would be helpfull.
many thanks in advance
we didnt take engine out when we did one just take centre console out and all trims and get a engine hoist or something to help get it out as its very heavy and not a nice job to do on ur back try getting it over a pit or on a ramp or very high off the ground
just drop the box out, a hell of a lot of weight but as mention put an engine hoist through the front door on a short chain and its good to go.
The clutch fork on some disco's is weak.

The fork piviot can wear through completley and render the clutch goosed!

...some people weld a nut to it for re-enforcement

It is possible to seperate the engine and gearbox from underneath, drop the gearbox off and overhaul the clutch.(much easier if you got a 2" lift)

Doing it this way will involve demounting the engine from it's mounts and tilting it backwards to give the angle required to align it all up again. but all possible.

if you are gonna attempt the job, factor in a complete clutch kit and the fork assembly...

You dont want to have to do this job twice.!

You'll want a couple of mates to help you... and get a load of jacks, axle stands and blocks or bricks to help shim them out. and take the weight of the box and engine while you sort it..

you dont need an engine hoist but if you can get your hand on one do!
thanks for help
i shall be going the gearbox with a hoist let you know the out come when job done hopefully this week when it stops raining as me bits have arrived from paddocks :)
may sound silly but is the master cylinder ?/ rubbers perished this would account for loss of preasure in the clutch pedal and the lack of " height " in the clutch pedal?

may be worth looking at before going down the lines of stripping the engine/ gearbox off !!!!

all ways look for the easiest option first before spending hrs/time/money messing about to find its a silly thing in the first place.

this sounds just like a austin allegro i had years ago !!!!

hope this helps
hi all :)
after thinking about doing this and diff repleys i have decided to go with engine out. it took a full day and a morning to finsh off.end result is now a fully working clutch.when engine pulled forward and the bits inspected end result was fork had split at both ends were the slippers fit for bearing.also the bearing had melted yet plate was still usable,and yes i did fit complete new everything so thanks for all the advice again

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