
New Member
Hi is it possible to clip the push rod to the clutch fork through the hole for the slave cylinder i have just taken off the slave and the push rod came away from the fork. spent all day getting the new fork in aswell.:confused:
ive heard off people that say they have done it ,but its not necessary as will stay in place if held in fork while slave is pressed against it while fitting slave ive had to do that often
ive heard off people that say they have done it ,but its not necessary as will stay in place if held in fork while slave is pressed against it while fitting slave ive had to do that often
Hi James, call me silly if you want but are you saying that for the fork to work the push rod doesn't need to be clipped to the fork. Could you please explain what you mean. sorry for being a pain I was gutted when it came away.
when slave is attached to bell housing there is allways some pressure through rod to release arm ,this hold rod in place,
when slave is attached to bell housing there is allways some pressure through rod to release arm ,this hold rod in place,
What then is the purpose of the plastic clip, is it to stop the push rod from falling into the bell housing if it came unattached from the cylinder. are you saying that I could press the push rod into the slave so it locates and wouldn't have to bother with locating the clip. Thank you for your help James.
yes clip just holds in place when theres no pressure on it like when you remove slave ,it will work ok without it

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