I aligned my friction plate by eye, and it looks absolutely perfect :) Only took a few minutes! To be honest though, the engine isn't in the vehicle yet, so it could all still go wrong lol!
proof is in the fitting ,although you can do it by eye i like the certainty of alignment tool in my case chopped off input shafts from gear boxes
I aligned my friction plate by eye, and it looks absolutely perfect :) Only took a few minutes! To be honest though, the engine isn't in the vehicle yet, so it could all still go wrong lol!
Yeah I know the feeling lol. I did use a tool, but it was pretty pants.(it involves 3 plastic wheels, and an expandable collet with a metal pin going through it to expand the collet when you turn the wheels) It was the only one I could get hold of. in the end I think I got more accuracy doing it by eye. I wish I could get hold of a spare input shaft, I don't know anyone who's got one even that I could borrow it from. As 'mad hat mad' said it would make it easier to replace spigot bush too. :(

Also I'm shortly hoping to remove the V8. When I do is it really nessasary to replace the clutch slave cylinder? my one seems to be working ok, and I've heard so many people having probs bleeding their clutches, it kind of puts me off doing it. Can't I change it later if it does go when Then engine is in?

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