it's a clutch claw they all look the same,bit of paint missing and the foam on the foot is perfect,comes in yellow,they advertise them on ebay, got a pic on there
Don't worry Wolfie, I've got it covered for you:

haha,well if it was a trick aftermarket custom built device there'd be pics,but it is what it is,it would be quicker for you to google search, mine isn't bent to hell like the one above ,but that's what they look like
haha,well if it was a trick aftermarket custom built device there'd be pics,but it is what it is,it would be quicker for you to google search, mine isn't bent to hell like the one above ,but that's what they look like

In all fairness, I would expect to see a photo of the one that you're selling before committing to buy.

I have one in my Landy and I've been very pleased with it. Very solid and, as the photo shows, difficult to attack. I do think you might be asking a little too much, though. I paid £80 for a brand new one, including delivery, so you're probably looking at closer to £50 second hand.

Just my opinion, of course. It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay.

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