james f

New Member
Hi Guys can someone offer some advice. My series 111 makes a clunking noise when either taking up drive in fourth gear or when I take my foot off the gas then re apply.
Am I right in thinking this is the universal joints ?
Is it an easy job to replace them or is it worth lubricating them first as suggested in the Haynes manual.
And is it safe to drive?

Many thanks James
Unlikely to be universal joints if it's only doing it in fourth gear James....:confused:

Does it not do it in the other gears at all - ie when setting off in first / reverse ?:confused:

Mine clunked like hell when the propshaft UJ's went, but it also clunked like hell when the rear Diff went shall we say, over tolerance for backlash...:eek:

It also clunked like hell in third gear which was knackered !!:eek:

I decided that driving it wasn't safe until I found out what it was, and if it's that bad, I wouldn't drive it....

It isn't necessarily dangerous, it's just that when whatever is clunking lets go completely, it will take a lot of expensive components with it....

Lie underneath it, grab the propshafts (both shafts at both ends) and firstly waggle them up and down whilst watching the UJ's, this will tell you if it's UJ's , which isn't that expensive (although neither are new propshafts which is a lot less grief:D !!!)

Next, grab the props and twist them to assess how much play you have in your Diffs. My props were turning almost 180 degrees without the crownwheels connecting with the pinions (still working, very noisy though:eek: !)

If all that is good, you have a gearbox problem my friend...........:mad:

Hope that helps


I have a similar problem,I have replaced the uj in back prop,other 3 uj ok ,about 1/4 turn of play front prop to transfer box,lot of noise after changing gear and letting up clutch
clonking fromgearbox/transfer box. Any Ideas on working out which is at fault
if it is only 4th gear ,then can be lay shaft front bolt broken or loose as 4th gear is not a gear but straight thru drive and no power is put thru layshaft as in all other gears
UJs tend to "tinkle" when you're driving if they're badly worn. It's probably play in the diff or gearbox that's amplified when you're in fourth gear. Rotating the prop shaft should tell you if the play is in the gearbox or axle. My guess would be diff, just drive with a gentler right foot in fourth. Lubrication isn't something you should think about on a landy, it's an older vehicle designed in the days when routine maintenance wasn't just an annual service. If it looks like it might need oil or grease then lubricate it - often.
You could try replacing the A frame ball joint but You'll be a long time trying to find it.:D

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