Try driving in diff lock for a short distance on the road,and if now no clonk report back
I could be wrong and am happy to be corrected but I thought D2 axles were slightly longer than D1's. I'm sure I read that somewhere?!
There's supposed to be alittle play in them like that, when you moved rear prop in that video it sounds like the handbrake is catching though
mine doesn't make any noise
Did you try with no props on? That'll be a good indicator of if box is okay, though some sounds only come out under load
Also is that oil on your handbrake drum? Might be rear seal on tbox and low oil
When I bought the Defender a year ago, I done all fluids apart from diffs, tbox and gearbox, so possible could be that. I undone the pto cover today and no fluid came out (not sure if it's meant to) I'll upload a video of it now
Mine has some play in it, at very low speeds in traffic it sounds like yours when I slow and then move on, clunk. I got under it and twisted and played around with it but concluded there is some play anyway. However, when my rear diff started to play up it got very noisy so it was obvious there way and issue, easily replaced. Changing all the diffs over seems a little extreme, the only think I was worried about with mine was the input shafts to the transfer box, when I replaced the 1.4 ratio one to 1.2 disco box I checked them and they were ok. So I guess what I'm saying is unless its noisy don't be too worried about it. I like the clunk in town anyway.
Thanks for the reply, it's a very loud rattle/ clunking when I come off the accelerator or when the clutch is in (turning off the road for example).

Just checked the input shaft and looks okay, maybe I'll check the diffs then!

I'll upload a video now of the pto cover removed.
This is the transfer pto cover removed to show the input shaft, looks okay, has the drumbrake got excessive movement?

No oil came out when I undid the cover?

Thanks for sticking with me!

Had a friend come and kindly look at it today, he's a mechanic and seems to think it's the transfer box.

Difflock works, however the power doesn't seem to be getting to the back wheels.

I'll keep you updated for anyone curious when I fix it :)

Anyone got a 200tdi transfer box for cheap near Essex/Suffolk border?
Had a friend come and kindly look at it today, he's a mechanic and seems to think it's the transfer box.

Difflock works, however the power doesn't seem to be getting to the back wheels.

I'll keep you updated for anyone curious when I fix it :)

Anyone got a 200tdi transfer box for cheap near Essex/Suffolk border?
If it is the box they're easy and cheap on fleabay, could try drain the oil see what comes out if full of metal bingo lol did you try with both props off and just box spinning nothing? Then if noise still must be box
And no not excessive play but in the other videos when you moved back prop it sounded like the pad was catching the drum. Can't hear on that video tho
So I bought and fitted a new transfer box. The old transfer centre diff had failed on inspection.

New problem, it whines and sounds like it's in reverse. I filled it with 2L of EP90 Castrol Classic (green tin) as the box was a B reg. It poured out, but I thought they held a little more than 2L?

Any thoughts on my problem, still have a 'normal clunk' now:

Thanks in advance

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