Northern Irelander

Well-Known Member

Query with Td5 110

Getting a clunking noise from the front end after I fully let out the clutch in first, sounds like a loose mount, It also happens when I jolt the power on and off at low speeds without changing any gears. Im sure it occurs at all speeds but more so at low speeds, rolling in endless traffic etc

Any suggestions

are you sure it's the front end?

i had this problem before and after debating for 2.5yrs, i changed the rear ball joint at the A frame.
sounds like worn UJ's on the front prop shaft. My 90 does the same and I'm due to fit new UJ's in a few weeks.

How do you check worn UJ's, mine's done the same and I've never got to the bottom of it.

I'm now getting a vibration at 60, must definately be UJ's.
Have the same issue, UJ's are only 6 quid, but how difficult is it to replace them myself? Seems like an easy job.
How do you check worn UJ's, mine's done the same and I've never got to the bottom of it.

I'm now getting a vibration at 60, must definately be UJ's.
Is the vibration only (or worse) when you lift off the gas, ie when freewheeling or slowing slightly then goes away (or reduces) when you put your foot down?
you can judge the wear in the UJ's by trying to turn the propshaft by hand (with engine off! :D) and by carefully watching where the free play originates from. If the UJ's are worn you'll most likely get a few degrees of twist before you can't rotate any further. However the fact that you get a clunk taking up the drive and when you blip the throttle when driving also confirms it's the UJ's.

What about the vibration symptom - i thought that might have been my transfer box on the way out but would be most pleased to hear it's the UJ's!?
Vibration gets worse when you floor it at 60, then fades away at 65.

Goes if you lift off the gas. It's making me drive at either 55 or 65.

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