is your clunge leaking, if it is then see a doctor hope to god there's not too much flap thrust or the wobitt chamber may need ripping out!!

hope this helps!!!
My clunge, started weeping, then it was leaking, but i should have had it seen to, its now dropped off, my advice is to get it seen to right away, yours could drop off soon, and then you'll be a girl

Edit to say, if you turn out to be a girl because your clunge has fallen off, always cover your flap thrust, it will get you in to more trouble
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sounds like congenaital filopia!!! usually rub twice a day with nibbit oil will incrase the blood flow and reduce the flappit convulsions!!!
I had a problem with clunge Dr said if i dont do owt about it it could affect are lasses thrusting flaps
Sorry, had the vicar round and couldn't reply for a while. Have read your replies - thanks for the advice, so far. However, I'm thinking about lubrication and how to avoid excessive clunge friction. Has anyone used a bovine reamer for this job or do you think that would attract the attention of the RSPCA?
Hmm i advise you to go to a gay bar to have your bovine reamer looked at and probed
with winter on its way i would get some lithium grease on your flaps or they could become frozen and inoperable, as for your clunge keep it covered to avoid clunge clogging.:5breddevil:
get the clacket valve replacement kit from island 4x4, this will stop the throbbit fouling on the clunge when its inserted thus keeping the bunion spline in good repair for at least 30000 miles.

also check the throbblewobbin pins as these can be replaced relatively cheaply and save a re-dismantling at a later stage!!

hope this helps!!!
Is this yet another p38 problem I"ve got to look forward to I ask myself !!!!!!! Must download new copy of rave cos it aint coverd in copy have now.
Is this yet another p38 problem I"ve got to look forward to I ask myself !!!!!!! Must download new copy of rave cos it aint coverd in copy have now.

its in the technical supplement!!!

Oh no, definitely a component on the P38. Very technical. Go into a main dealer and ask them for your free clunge service kit - they will be delighted. :rolleyes:

the dealer part kit you need to ask for is friggit repair service number 574338 st


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