Hi ya

I hope all are well I am 1 year in to a rebuild of a 90 V8 1988 and i have replaced the master and slave they are brit part. I have beld the system many time and the cluch is still floppy. So i took the slave off and when we pressed the cluch the piston moved forward we pumped the cluch and the piston moved forward so we refited it and it seam to be better ie a little bit stiff at the bottom of the peddle.

If i remove the slave again and pump it until the piston comes to the front will I be able to refit it and will this work. I hope you under stand what i have said if not please ask and I will try and explain more.
when someone fitted mine they somehow managed to fit it wonky one nut wasnt fully tightened and i took it out and refitted it straight and it worked fine you sure your slave is going in straight?
is bleed nipple at top of slave ,is there much fluid coming out when pedal pressed ,when bleeding theres only 3 presses in res before empty ,master often needs bleeding first ,if you have splashing in res when pedal pumped you need a new one
the bleed nipple is at the top. there is plenty of fluid coming out I would say after three presses it would empty. The master is new i havn't seen any splashing. We did the bleed nipple up then the peddal is pressed down I take it this is correct
yes and it runs clear of air ,are you sure its not bleed by putting in gear and pushing with pedal pressed and not
no bubbles at all have flushed a Ltr of DOT 4 through. I have not tryed pushing inbut have tryed to get it in gear with the engin running and it hitof miss if it goes in
same test didnt know engine was running does pedal have a resistance at bottom then ,correct push rod at slave ,master cylinder rod adjusted right
sorry engin working. it has resistance at the very bottom the rod is the one it came with I drove it home ok a year ago so I would say it corect. I have tryed ajusting the master rod and now it back were it started wich is near the start of the thred
well if no air in system and i presume no damper near slave ,it is possible occasionally that you just need longer rod ,i have had it happen presumably clutch but it did work well after

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