Thanks Brian - really appreciate the link - but as I wanted some reliability in my world (to off-set the beloved D2......) I have MacBook - don't think that link works on these! I seen somewhere that the bumper cover / finisher needs to be removed via the retaining screws, then providing access to the lamp, is that right?

Interesting that there are threads on other (non-LR) forums addressing similar clouding issues on different marques (Audi / VW) - seems to be a theme - so to earlier posts above, if its not on the external then I'll try a long stick and rag approach!
See, there are some good reasons for not using a Mac!
As I said in my post #14, getting the foglights out isn't quite as straightforward as it might appear at first sight. Here's the page from RAVE:-
See, there are some good reasons for not using a Mac!
As I said in my post #14, getting the foglights out isn't quite as straightforward as it might appear at first sight. Here's the page from RAVE:-
View attachment 126498 View attachment 126499

Appreciate the pdf of that, and also the fact you took pity and didn't make me grovel for the extra info - or resort to application of hammer to assist removal. There are now only 2 good reasons against a Mac:
1) Lining the pockets of Apple
2) Doesn't run the RAVE.
And that's it....;)

Cheers all!
I have said this before, but I do have the rave in pdf format, can be a pain to navigate thru, but is better than nowt.

It is in my drop box atm.

Thanks neilly - I had a look around for a pdf following your last message - but most of the links were dead, or worse took me to dark places on the internet - so guess I'm being monitored by GCHQ and the NSA now!
Thanks neilly - I had a look around for a pdf following your last message - but most of the links were dead, or worse took me to dark places on the internet - so guess I'm being monitored by GCHQ and the NSA now!
PDF of documents secured - thank you neilly -

appreciate all the help and banter....

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