I said that they should encourage user groups to a volantary repair and maintainance to fences etc to reduce the impact on sustainable habitats in the local area and discourage off the road activities.i pointed out the fact that the road is just that and the sustainabe habitats are only affected by off the road activities. i also proposed that many user groups should be accounted for their voice and say in there proposal and not just the govenance of the local council and park authoritys
Yep, I included walkers in the user groups. I know they're a pita but you've got to appear fair. Even if the walkers don't, the authorities ARE fair and do take their time to think about it.
Yep, I included walkers in the user groups. I know they're a pita but you've got to appear fair. Even if the walkers don't, the authorities ARE fair and do take their time to think about it.

Yeah I put walkers in that too, and also in other bits put that if there were voluntary groups to rapare the lanes that we would be happy to go in are cars with materials ect and help repare them...
just filled in to i put pretty much the same as every one else saying if thay asked for help most people would help for free just to help keep the lanes open(but i did put you do not close foot paths or even main roads in bad wether so why close lanes i enjoy the country side no mater what the weather is.
Hi guys. Just filled this form in. The best we could do is try help repair these routes. Among us Im sure we could utilise our 4x4s and carry materials to required areas along these networks where normal vehicles could not reach. Thats more than ramblers could do. 5 mins out of our time picking up and dropping off supplies could give us a little help in keeping these lanes open....

New to the 4x4 scene and would love to keep going...
Compleated the form. Said they should contact all user groups for voluanty services, am sure they would get loads of help.

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