
Active Member
Hi i am new to this forum and wanted to pick your brains about a loud clonking noise i have on my landy? Sounds really bad if you accellerate the deacellerate, replaced all the ujs not really made any difference, if i leave it in gear and get under it and grab front prop i would say i could twist it a fair bit nearly a quarter i would say. Has anyone got any ideas has to what i can try to determine whats causing it please?

Cheers lee
You can post this in the relevent section Save us having to guess what vehicle you drive???

But if you've replaced all 4 UJ's the ya Transfer or gearbox is fubarred.. (Assuming you don't drive a gaylander)
Sorry its a defender 90 hardtop 200 series,
Could it not be anything else like half shafts or output bearings etc, what about the play in the prop does that prove anything?
i have a clonking noise on my td5 disco, but nothing is loose of falling of so i gave him a name " i am here" i have come to the conclusion it's my td5 attention seeking and letting me know she loves loves me!!!!!!!!!!!!
where abouts are you based, if you let us know where you are there might be someone near you who could help.

could be a multitude of stuff as already said.
A frame ball joint would be favourite, but could also be general transmission wear.
where abouts in Bradford you are? (pm me if ya wish)

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