
Well-Known Member
So driving up the A1 today and noticed that when I let of the accelerator in 5th gear there is a clonking sound.

At first I thought prop shafts.

Checked the front one (UJ's recently replaced) and had no play in the joints,

Checked the rear, also no evident play in the joints.

Don't know what else it could be.


check A-frame ball joint on rear as that caused mine to clonk, not sure what model you have, but was told on mine being an early R380 gearbox the splines on the output shaft could wear causing the same clonk.
check A-frame ball joint on rear as that caused mine to clonk, not sure what model you have, but was told on mine being an early R380 gearbox the splines on the output shaft could wear causing the same clonk.

Mines not the R380 but the ball joint could be worth a look. I am picking up a disco axle tomorrow which I am going to rebuild the hubs / brakes on. So when It gets round to putting that on I will change the ball joint anyway. Can you check the ball joint without taking the axle off? I'm guessing it will have horizontal play?
Mine did but this maybe down to the weight of the vehicle on the axle somebody else may shed some light on how to check
Or you can try levering it around with a crowbar or long screwdriver. Even when they're quite worn they can be difficult to move by hand.

Another thing that clonks sometimes on taking up drive or lifting off is the splines in the back axle. A little bit of movement between the half shaft and drive flange can translate into quite a bit of clonk in the cab.
Or you can try levering it around with a crowbar or long screwdriver. Even when they're quite worn they can be difficult to move by hand.

Another thing that clonks sometimes on taking up drive or lifting off is the splines in the back axle. A little bit of movement between the half shaft and drive flange can translate into quite a bit of clonk in the cab.

Ok thanks for that, there does seem to be a bit of slack between the two. Good thing I am restoring another axle over the next couple of months. Is this slack dangerous?
Dangerous? The worst that can happen is the splines would start jumping if it got very worn and you'd lose drive. Could be a bit nasty if you were accelerating hard to join a stream of fast moving traffic, like joining a motorway or dual carriageway I suppose. But usually just inconvenient.

My experience is that the drive flange wears faster than the half shaft, so new drive flanges can quieten then down a lot.
Dangerous? The worst that can happen is the splines would start jumping if it got very worn and you'd lose drive. Could be a bit nasty if you were accelerating hard to join a stream of fast moving traffic, like joining a motorway or dual carriageway I suppose. But usually just inconvenient.

My experience is that the drive flange wears faster than the half shaft, so new drive flanges can quieten then down a lot.

Ok cheers. I remember when my front UJ's were on the way out, I was so nervous about them going!

doesn't seem as bad today, however glad to know something isn't going to fly through the diff casing!

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