Val. h

Active Member
Can anyone point me in the direction of the CC cabin thermostat/sensor. Can it be replaced or serviced/cleaned?

My CC thermostat is playing up. Or at least I presume it's the thermostat.

When I set off the cabin heater warms up as one would expect. Then it seems to go well beyond the setting (ie 21 degreese). Then it drops right off to cool, not quite cold. When I raise the heat setting it does get warmer but then drops off again.

I did do a search where it was mentioned it could be cleaned, but no clue as to where it is.????

The cabin thermostat is behind that little grille on the right hand end of the dashboard. It can be accessed by dropping the panel below the steering wheel. It's mounted in a unit complete with a small fan to draw the cabin air over the thermistor.
21 degrees is kinda strange, I had mine set to 21 and I also noted the "cooler " air. At first I suspected a problem with the engine cooling system such as an air lock or something but there doesn't appear that there's anything wrong.
I then noticed that if I increased the setting to 23 everything seemed to work OK.
@Val. h There is a manual diagnostic routine for the A/C system:

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Thanks I'll have a look. Just been on ebay, seems there are two different types??

The one for the Disco 2 is part number JTF100290. You can search on the bay using just that number and a few should come up.

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