
New Member
Hi all, just bought an 04 td4 sport. I've noticed when i first pull off and when I'm going through the gears at low speeds round town the engines makes an alarming clicking noise, it tends to go once I get the speed up and sometimes it doesn't really click at all. Has anyone else experienced this or have an idea what may be causing it.
Thanks in advance :)
Has anyone else experienced this ..

something like it .. yes .. when i bought the vehicle in feb this year .. had 37k miles on it ..
the clicking/tapping was quieter after the engine had warmed up ..
had a metallic sound to it ..

heard it most at low revs .. i suspect higher revs simply masked the sound
wasn't sure if it weren't just part of the general td4 sound ..

i used this in the engine oil .. 'n once in a while a drop or two in the fuel
ZX1 Home

been using :
Diesel Rhino
in the fuel .. ( was known as 'diesel aid' in a previous incarnation )

along with
'redex diesel fuel system cleaner'
now and again

sometimes have added a small amount of 2-stroke to the fuel

i've a small glass jar that gets used to make a 'mix'
'n add it on alternate fuel-ups ..

over time the clicking/tapping vanished


or have an idea what may be causing it

mine sounded more in time with the valve train
no idea what it was .. a partialy sticky valve Maybe
can't realy say at Exactly what point it Totaly vanished ..

after adding the zx1 it quietened down Almost immediately
If you give the throttle a good blip does the noise go? If so sounds like an injector.........trying the injector cleaners etc may help and if you have a synergy tuning box turn it off now.

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