darwin int fick coz ee invented monkey-men ah hv seen it in da pikchers in da books at da bookshop
hi there this might sound mad but it works buy a gallon of standard thinners pour into a big pan get two thick white towels i cut a bath towel in half put rubber gloves on and soak one towel in thinners ring out a bit and rub into carpits or seats .cloth only. then get the dry towel rub onto carpits and u see all the muck drawn into the dry towel it takes about half gallon to do a car i have done lots of cars this way leave windows open drys in a few hours rub hard and do small section at a time i have just done my disco and its cheap only 6 quid a gallon to do full car
hi there this might sound mad but it works buy a gallon of standard thinners pour into a big pan get two thick white towels i cut a bath towel in half put rubber gloves on and soak one towel in thinners ring out a bit and rub into carpits or seats .cloth only. then get the dry towel rub onto carpits and u see all the muck drawn into the dry towel it takes about half gallon to do a car i have done lots of cars this way leave windows open drys in a few hours rub hard and do small section at a time i have just done my disco and its cheap only 6 quid a gallon to do full car

£6 !!!!!!!

DK would do it for £3.75 and he's a freelancer ! - sorry i meant he's a professional

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