
Active Member
Having seen several people ask about the sedimentor recently I thought I would show how I did mine yesterday on my 97 300TDi.

(Click on the thumbnail pics to view full size)

I had to jack the back of the car up 6” or so to get my 18 stone bulk under the drivers side rear. The sedimentor sits on the inside of the chassis in front of the rear axle.

I had read on here to only undo the 11mm bolt on the top then tap the bowl loose with a mallet. I could not figure out which bit to get my spanner on, so I managed to squeeze my camera above it to take this pic, I could then clearly see the bolt head. (marked with an arrow)

It took a bit of shifting as I could not get my ratchet in there, I found it best to use a ring spanner so the crank faced downwards otherwise it was against the floor and I could not turn it.

It undone fairly easy then I tapped it with a hammer handle and the bowl fell away covering me in bio-diesel, big tip wear goggles for this job as an eye full of bio is not very pleasant as I found out.

It was half full of muck, so I cleaned it out fitted a new seal and bolted it back in position. (There was some old oil in that bowl already)

I changed my fuel filter as well. I filled the new filter with fuel and started her up with the bleed screw undone until all the air bubbles stopped and she is running very sweetly now.

What I can’t figure out is why I bought 2 sizes of seal? I could only find one to replace? I presume there must be 2 different types of sedimentor? I have penty of spares :D

In all it took me about an hour to do the job.

Still got to do mine. Couldn't feel the dam bolt above it and it was raining so I got ****ed off :eek:

Will get the pressure washer out after the weekend pay and play then have a look :cool:
good pics, once canister off it splits in half, one seal middle one seal top of can when fitting onto head of unit, if i wrong no doubt someone will tell me.:)
Did mine a week ago, 11mm bolt on top would not budge & started to round corners so had to take off completely. Front fuel line union also would not budge so had to cut fuel pipe. Bowl was full of crap, cleaned & replaced, greased bolt so hopefully will be easier next time. Had to heat fuel pipe so as to fit union ( with hot air gun & NOT blow torch ) all back together, fuel filter changed & blead but still sometimes coughing & farting!
Before totally removing the sedimentor place a bag over it, this will hopefully catch any crap and stop you getting a soaking ;)
Thanks for all the advice, cheers horse for the detailed step by step instructions, I'm doing it tomorrow ill let ya know how I get on,
If 11mm and unions are non go-ers you can detach the bracket from the chassis to get better ,ie visible, access to the unit....had to do that before now.Not the first,or even second, choice I might add
service time ie once a year on average mileage but better bypassed unless newish ,you can drain any water out of filter if needed,the thing is there never touched and steel and ali dont mix especially underneathe vehicle, small holes can erode through them making ali porus through electriclytical action
Did mine too at the weekend, unscrew, tap tap, face full of diesel! It was full of crap. Im sure the cleaning interval is every 24k. Plastic bag is a blinding idea.

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