so ive removed my 200 tdi disco headlights to remove the salisbury plain sludge from them.

ive managed to clean the inside of the glass well but the reflector is a bit tricky

ive been using a bent paint brush and a cloth on a stick this was ok for the glass

the lense has the bulb reflector piece in the way so u cant get back onto the reflector very easily

ive soaked them in floor cleaner,washing up powder,washing up liquid if i had a dishwasher i would try them in that but i dont

any tips? apart from buying new headlights
yup - it works not too bad - have to keep the pressure as low as poss tho - and i made up an adaptor with a bit of flexy on the end.

yu could use a garden sprayer type thingy.
If they're similar to mine on my 300 disco, they are sealed with semi setting sealant. Got a knife and VERY carefully cut the whole way round and teased apart. Long job, but worth it cos once apart, you can clean it up like new, and re seal it with some gutter bitumen seal. Really neat finish.

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