
New Member
Hi guys, Just been doing some fault finding on my RR classic ('94 LSE), it runs fine at speed (or the revs are kept above 1000), however it is a little erratic when ticking over on petrol. When it ticks over on LPG it revs a little, then konks out!

Having had a bit of a look, there are a couple of pipes leading in to the crank case, which do not lead anywhere - they are about 1/2" long, one is thicker than the other. Anyway, it looks like they should plug into something?

The engine had a period of fairly harsh backfires a while back, which may well have dislodged the pipes - now the backfires are much smaller - without a bang - still stalls the engine though (at tickover).

Just wondering if anyone has a picture of what it should look like? Also, does this sound like the cause of my idling problems?

Thanks all!
Got some pics - hopefully they will help! The engine is a 4.2 V8, on LPG (single point). Thanks

PS The red rings show the ends of the pipes! (not very tidy i know)!


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Good pictures.
Someone will be able to advise you now

This comment is nothing to do with your fault but I thought I would mention it as your picture is so good.
If you look at your pictures you will see your HT leads to your plugs cross over each other, try to re-dress the leads to avoid this, if you have a Haynes manual it shows you how. It is a known problem that causes ignition problems, also the cap looks like an after market spare, try to use only genuine Lucas/Bosch spares as originally fitted as you can get some very strange ignition faults caused by non genuine parts.
Good Luck
Thanks for the advice Fred, Ive been doing some research and it looks like my problems all seem to lead to the ignition leads, spark plugs and dizzy! Thanks for the direction - Ive bought some new plugs - just need to find the right HT leads now - and I'll make sure they don't cross over each other!
Try these people for your spares
Land Rover parts, spares, Land Rover accessories, all models
If does not have Lucas stamped on it then it isn't Lucas so expect problems sooner than later, as I have found ot to my cost.
4 point plugs are better than standard

I forgot to say look for leaks in air hoses, even a small one will cause havock with tickover and starting.
Did you find out what is missing ?
My engine bay is a lot different layout to yours.

Thanks again! Just bought some new Lucas leads - hopefully once it's all tidied up the problem will be solved! Didn't find out if there are any missing parts - still hoping someone may have a similar setup to mine!

I shall check all the hoses when it's light again! Ta again!

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