
Well-Known Member
image.jpg just seen this in July’s Classic Land Rover , thought it looked familiar
Mike Shaws aka @ObiWanKenobi Series 2a nice article , well done. Mike
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OK I won’t spoil the surprise by showing the next page, the article made me appreciate my small garage even though I can hardly see the floor! Let’s hope the engine and gearbox don’t need changing
I like the idea of usign the phone on selfie mode to check the brake lights, wish I'd thought of that when I was trying to use a stick and lean over lie an idiot.
Pity there's not a contact address, someone should explain that its possible to do "stealth repairs" and get the box out from inside with the windows covered....
Thanks, Guys !
Just got the magazine, and I'm pretty thrilled. Thanks all for your support. I basically come to LandyZone for all my questions, so you all are really appreciated!

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