
New Member
Hi All,
My beloved 93 Classic hard dash has decided to be naughty ;) EAS is being cheeky and I would like to replace or update the EAS if possible.
Thanks to Mr RSW (god bless him) I can clear the recurring fault which is mainly whinging that it has an exhaust valve fault (amongst others).

When the faults are cleared if I don't lock the EAS it will drop when it gets to 50mph as it should but when it comes to resuming standard height it faults, well as parts are getting a bit thin on the ground I know I have to start getting creative to be able to keep her going…. and no I don't wish to convert to springs….I like the space hopper!

So my question is can the later P38 style valve block/ driver block or specificly a 97 my range rover driver box be modified to use on a range rover classic? My car has the earlier valve block with the pressure switch on the air receiver.
So are there any cunning fixers out there that can help me?

yourssssssss Sssssnakey
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No…..:) but I think the Rangie hiss…I mean IS ;)

Any Einsteins out there ?
I don't see any real problem with using a P38 valve block, driver pack and dryer, remove the pressure switch from the tank and use the one in the block instead. May need a bit of innovation with the wiring.
I don't see any real problem with using a P38 valve block, driver pack and dryer, remove the pressure switch from the tank and use the one in the block instead. May need a bit of innovation with the wiring.

Bonjour Monsieur Datatek, I believe you are one of the keepers of the black art otherwise known as EAS…Wammers being the other entrusted one ;)

So if I can identify the wiring of the P38 driver pack and the Classic driver pack looking for commonalities that would be a start :confused:.
On the P38 does the info for the in dash display come from the ECU wiring? If so looks like you could be onto something.
As a wild card I wonder if the P38 ECU could be seduced into working in a classic? :eek:

Thank you for your input…..feel free to keep it coming ;)

Bonjour Monsieur Datatek, I believe you are one of the keepers of the black art otherwise known as EAS…Wammers being the other entrusted one ;)

So if I can identify the wiring of the P38 driver pack and the Classic driver pack looking for commonalities that would be a start :confused:.
On the P38 does the info for the in dash display come from the ECU wiring? If so looks like you could be onto something.
As a wild card I wonder if the P38 ECU could be seduced into working in a classic? :eek:

Thank you for your input…..feel free to keep it coming ;)

The EAS ECU on the P38 is linked to the BECM and the dash, I'm pretty sure that as long as you can produce a suitable speed signal, the rest could be ignored unless you want the "Slow 35mph" message. Possibly the biggest stumbling block to using the P38 EAS ECU would be the height sensors unless the values were the same.
You would need to be able to sort the wiring which could either be quite involved or simple depending on what is there in the Classic. No idea as I've never looked at a Classic.
It's a job i'd be quite happy to attempt, brt then electronics was my business.:)
The EAS ECU on the P38 is linked to the BECM and the dash, I'm pretty sure that as long as you can produce a suitable speed signal, the rest could be ignored unless you want the "Slow 35mph" message. Possibly the biggest stumbling block to using the P38 EAS ECU would be the height sensors unless the values were the same.
You would need to be able to sort the wiring which could either be quite involved or simple depending on what is there in the Classic. No idea as I've never looked at a Classic.
It's a job i'd be quite happy to attempt, brt then electronics was my business.:)

Just looks like I have found my Knight in shining armour! :cool:
Messages I can definitely do with out….I did own a P38 for a short while, the emphasis on short I just couldn't put up with its constant moaning, "door open" "door closed" "too hot" too cold" I nicknamed the car the Ex Wife….(self explanatory)

Monsieur if you are up for a challenge then I am most certainly with you!!
(basically because I'm a stubborn bugger and I want to keep my Rangie going strong)

Let me know what you need :)
Just looks like I have found my Knight in shining armour! :cool:
Messages I can definitely do with out….I did own a P38 for a short while, the emphasis on short I just couldn't put up with its constant moaning, "door open" "door closed" "too hot" too cold" I nicknamed the car the Ex Wife….(self explanatory)

Monsieur if you are up for a challenge then I am most certainly with you!!
(basically because I'm a stubborn bugger and I want to keep my Rangie going strong)

Let me know what you need :)
You misunderstand, I did not say I would do it for you, I said I have the capability to do it.
I have enough on my plate without going in for EAS development work.

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