
The radio head unit in my P38 lights up but there is no sound or display. Also, it won't accept a cassette. Any ideas please?
There's definitely not a cassette in there already. The display is blank, so I don't know if it's asking for the code, but I've tried to input it several times without success. I've seen a head unit on Ebay for £80, but I'm not certain that the fault is there and not elsewhere in the system.
There's definitely not a cassette in there already. The display is blank, so I don't know if it's asking for the code, but I've tried to input it several times without success. I've seen a head unit on Ebay for £80, but I'm not certain that the fault is there and not elsewhere in the system.

It will be the head unit send it to Clarion for repair. Or do it yourself. http://p38arover.com/rover/p38a/Clarion_PU9836A.pdf :D:D:D
Clarion repair service is great. Flat fee no matter what's wrong, they'll also switch of the code entry thing so you can forget about that in the future. Turned mine around in 24 hours.
Many thanks. I can't repair it myself - unless it's a VERY simple fault, like a loose connection. I'll ring Clarion for a price. I've also been recommended to try Mapler Audio in Bath which isn't too far from me.
Many thanks. I can't repair it myself - unless it's a VERY simple fault, like a loose connection. I'll ring Clarion for a price. I've also been recommended to try Mapler Audio in Bath which isn't too far from me.
It's a flat fee of £98 I think. They do have a site on the Bay.
Clarion are just outside Swindon but you can't actually go there, you have to post things.
They did have a number of the p38 clarion models but none of the classic versions, which look identical but aren't. Mine was water damaged and couldn't be fixed.
They are on ebay and sorted me out in then end.

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