
Hi im new to landyzone, just finding my way around thie site.who has exprienced this problem.when im driving at any speed my landy is quite as it should be , but when slowing down and going into neutral there a heavy clanking underneath. As i slow down the noise slows down until i stop. when i drive off again all is good untill im slowing down again and going through neutral, or the clutch is in.
i have checked the propshafts which are good . theres nothing loose underneath. all mountings seem to be ok.
just passed MOT with out any problems
You say that you've checked your propshafts, but have you really given the UJ's a good jiggle (try prying between them with a screw driver). They're more than normally the cause of any knocking noises once the drive is transferred in the opposite direction from the wheels towards the transfer box.

The hand brake cable and pivoting mechanism is also another cause of knocking noises but it wouldn't explain the only when in neutral or slowing down problem.
POS is right, but it might also be worth getting the whole vehicle jacked up so it can run with the wheels off the ground and listen .. I had a couple of teeth off in my rear diff .. but the noise was coiming, I thought, from the front!

I got mine lifted at the local Landrover (RCV) specialists, p on a lift so we could go underneath to listen properly .. quickly obvious where the problem was ... ;)
You need to have the handbrake OFF and preferably trhe transfer box in NEUTRAL to check for loose joints in your propshafts.

Else the drive train can be "wound up" (under strain) which will stop you finding any slack.

Re: clanking noise under my defender

Have you checked that you havent run over someone in a suit of armour and they're trapped on the chassis?

Its 95% certain to be your propshaft uj's...very common problem and distinctive sound, if you remove foot from accelerator quickly at speed, 50+mph it sounds awful, grateing metal noise...can be avoided by gentle deceleration for a while but get em sorted, dead cheap and easy to do.
See if there is any lift in your prop shaft, i.e. try bending it at the splines (bit where it slides in and out of), if you can lift it bend it whatever you want to call it then replace the shaft, its fooked and makes this noise.

when im driving at any speed my defender is quite but when slowing down there a heavy clanking noise underneath. As i slow down the noise slows down and when i stop the noise stops when i drive off again all is good untill im slowing down again and when i clutch the noise goes away. also when i put it in to diff lock and then put it in to a gear and let the clutch out it does'nt drive.

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when im driving at any speed my defender is quite but when slowing down there a heavy clanking noise underneath. As i slow down the noise slows down and when i stop the noise stops when i drive off again all is good untill im slowing down again and when i clutch the noise goes away. also when i put it in to diff lock and then put it in to a gear and let the clutch out it does'nt drive.


Are yu saying it only drives when difflock isnt engaged?
Do you know how difflock works?
i recentley had a strange noise when i got to about 50 and let off the revs in over run, checked the uj's for wear and movement and they were fine, turned out to be the sliding shaft on the rear prop. there was no movement when i grabbed hold of it, just replaced the prop and put new uj's on it, its like brand new now
I have same problem but ,one was fine until I put a lift on it yesterday could it be my propshaft is stretched to far

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