
New Member
I am wondering as to the cigar lighters and illumination. Do they light up in your L322? I have one in the centre box, one in the rear seating area and one in the front. I see a green bezel, rave indicates lights on the wiring diagram however I have inspected the two in hte front and cubby box and see no wiring to the socket other than the supply to the socket itself. I do see a couple of small cables taped up in a factory style but none light. mine is an SE so may not have all as the high models do? what do yours do? or is it a uk spec thing.

The Bezel and the interior of the socket illuminate....but the bezel is very very faint.

The Cubby box on doesn't light as far as I can tell...but the rear one lights the same as the front....from what I can remember...I will look next time I go out.

Mines a 2003 Vogue!
ahh what I cannot understand is my front one has no light wiring and the rear i cannot see so maybe the se doesnt have lighting on the cigar units

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