I've got one weekend left before Xmas, and the wiring is still going on, then the plumber comes in, then I have to tile the bathroom,

...though I have got the bathroom half boarded :)

We're having the carpets fitted for us so that should only be a case of moving furniture around.

That weekend my disco will be ferrying my belongings back from my bro-in-law's house and so up into my newly boarded loft. I need to get it done as he has a party the following week and his house is full of my junk :eek:

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
I've got one weekend left before Xmas, and the wiring is still going on, then the plumber comes in, then I have to tile the bathroom,

...though I have got the bathroom half boarded :)

We're having the carpets fitted for us so that should only be a case of moving furniture around.

That weekend my disco will be ferrying my belongings back from my bro-in-law's house and so up into my newly boarded loft. I need to get it done as he has a party the following week and his house is full of my junk :eek:

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

well as you cant make it you should kno i will be doing a run to strata over the christmas hols if you want to come
well as you cant make it you should kno i will be doing a run to strata over the christmas hols if you want to come

If the choas has died down and it fits in between visiting relatives.

My extended family is also extended geographically....I have a brother in Plymouth and one in Scotland somewhere, and parents in Sheffield !!
Just got back, it was a good day out today and was nice to meet everyone. Thanks again to Andy for the tape to fix my hose.
Yep we had a great day lots of mud and water we all got a little stuck at some point

heres some pics















and my vids

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yADb-XIE6n8"]YouTube- Landrover greenlaneing Day out round church streton[/ame]
At least the sun shone
when I looked out of my front window this morning I couldn't even see the Mynd and its only 1/4 mile away:)

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