I got bored adding names, so most are just numbered.

As for the gearbox - my diff took a beating, so yours must have. Mine was fine all the way back though.
If we'd have seen a pub I would have bought 90Boy and Paul.D a big pint each - it was great to have the advice of experience people there to help - even if it was always "faster!" of "give it some welly!" :D

LOL ... nah, you weren't listening!!

We said keep momemtum up, stop feckin' dawdling and use a bit of power ... but keep going ... ;)
If you've got a problem with your Disco, then you need this man...

(I just love your expression!)


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OK lets have a look and see what pictures I've got that are any good.

First one is the still to go with the V8 to V6 video....


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