didn't want to use the forum as a platform - also concerned about how to conduct such a conversation in case my comments get shunted but this seems like just the ticket...
I can't get Euston to this. Especially with all the Paddington Bear talk around.
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Even in spite of this little issue I think the OP is quite chuffed with his D2.
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It has a solid Engine - Diesel of course - pulls well and rattles along nicely. Had those three pesky signals on the dash recently but easily sorted so full steam ahead.
just coming back to this for any further non-train related suggestions?! Engine only does this sort of chug chug chug noise when coasting, ie when I take my foot off the big pedal and glide along serenely - does not do it if I rev the engine when stationery. Someone suggested it was something to do with unused fuel - but I'm not sure I understand that. Could it be something to do with the engine tuning? Am about to take delivery of a Nanocom so any advice on what I could tinker with would be much appreciated...

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