
New Member
well - did anyone get anything land rover related?

I got a lboody great big landy tea mug that fits nigh on a litre of fluid and is supposedly unbreakable - bloody good mug that!

also - i think i could use christmas as an excuse to get the landy something - maybe give her a snorkel as a crimbo present or something :rolleyes:
Mmm...not neccessarily land rover related. But thats while they'll be going.

Parents got me some nice waterproof sealskin gloves and a new sat nav. Sister got me a new synthetic winch rope (it was her mates who broke it!). Missus has got me a new KERR strap, my old one snapped, was not a pretty scene, but makes an interesting story.
broken kerr - oh do tell:pop2:

as for pressies - I predict a clean disco in the near future I got a jet wash
i gorra new woolly hat

cold up there sean :D

ah got a set of 5, quite nice LR valve caps in chrome, just dont think they will last long thats all, once someone see's them , ther gone
and a few framed pics of series 1, 2 and lightweight
broken kerr - oh do tell:pop2:

This story really was me being a complete dickhead to be entirely honest. Top of Kirton theres a little track at the top of a hill which is about 8ft wide, fence one side, drop off into trees the other. Lil-landies pottering along and comes across a very interesting scene.

Theres some kind of hybrid stuck facing me. Between me and the hybrid, theres a suzuki facing the same way as me trying to reverse and tow him out. "OK, I'll go see if I can lend a hand" thinks lil-landy (this is in the days before my winch).

They told me if I wanted I could attach myself to the suzuki which was attached to this hybrid and we could both reverse and pull it out. In the process, my wheels spun. And I ended up stucks.

Suzuki manages to pull me out, but in the process breaks something which stops him having any movement. Hes now about 40ft away from this hybrid. So, thinks I. Suzuki weighs stuff, not much, but stuff. Why not through my KERR under his suzuki, attach it to another two tow ropes, and onto the hybrid, tow out the hybrid, and then worry about the suzuki.

So now we're on a typical recovery, except instead of one tow strap, we have a KERR and two tow straps. And sat on top of these, is a suzuki with its engine still running, which is slowly melting my KERR, every so slowly weakening it until BANG!

Strops flying every which way, shackles up in the air. You don't realise just how much energy is in a KERR strop until you see something like that. Fortunately no-one was hurt. But we did spend 3 hours waiting for a tractor to come up and sort us all out.

Before you all have a huge go at me, we tried digging, jacking, chocking, rocks under the tyres, allsorts, before we went through all this.

But we live we learn. It was a big mistake. But after this its taught me about travelling round sites in groups, so one vehicle can go get someone bigger and better. I also fitted a CB just after this. And I refuse to put myself in situations I'm not completely comfortable with. Because, at the end of the day, its just a vehicle. Its not worth what could of gone wrong that day just to get a vehicle out the mud.
They weren't from Hull4x4 were they??

well known for getting ridiculously stuck
Haven't got a clue. But the sorries flying around were pretty funny.

Start off with it was suzuki saying sorry for me getting stuck, as I was trying to recover them, and he only went up there cos he'd saw hybrid guy from the bottom.

Then I said sorry to suzuki for breaking something in his drivetrain.

Then suzuki said sorry to me for leaving his engine on.

Me and suzuki said sorry to the tractor man.

Then after it all, suzuki came with me for the rest of the day. Hybrid man? Never said sorry once and wouldn't even look at us when we saw him in the little canteen container thing.
well - did anyone get anything land rover related?

I got a lboody great big landy tea mug that fits nigh on a litre of fluid and is supposedly unbreakable - bloody good mug that!

also - i think i could use christmas as an excuse to get the landy something - maybe give her a snorkel as a crimbo present or something :rolleyes:

Aye, ah got £100 in vouchers from me parents and inlaws tae spend at me local indy and a 5ltr tub o' swarfega from the mrs;):D
had me personal plate from the whole family :D
and me and the doris treated ourselves to a new lappy each in the sales :D, **** this windows 7 is good (and i now dont have to wait a couple of minutes to get up something on the tinternet :D )

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