
New Member
Hi all,
Was just looking for some advice/links for chipping/tweaking my 2000 dHSE. Unfortunately my last car was a Nissan Skyline so I'm used to a bit of speed, but I'm aware of the slight increase in size/weight and was looking for advice from anyone who has had their engines upgraded.
I've seen various upgrades that promise 175 bhp/330lb/ft and was looking for various opinions. Sorry to be a bit bland.
So far all i can say is that Range Rovers Rule!!!!
Cheers all

fit larger intercooler will be first port of call,as you know with a skyline that more air into engine will increase performance. also a free flowing exhaust will make the diesel shift bit better. you can get the ecu remapped but i dont know anybody who has it done.
depends on how much you want to spend
bigger intercooler wont make much of a difference for the cost nor will the staight through exhaust these two will cost you more than having it chipped/remapped or an add on unit that will add anywhere between 20 and 40 bhp
mine has got a late omega engine (y25dt 156bhp standard)and has also been chipped supposedly giving me a further 30 bhp he told me he could take it a bit further but it would start black smoking on heavy load ,cost was 350 quid took about 1 hour he is in the midlands.

all i can tell you is **** its fast on take off
Hi all,
Was just looking for some advice/links for chipping/tweaking my 2000 dHSE. Unfortunately my last car was a Nissan Skyline so I'm used to a bit of speed, but I'm aware of the slight increase in size/weight and was looking for advice from anyone who has had their engines upgraded.
I've seen various upgrades that promise 175 bhp/330lb/ft and was looking for various opinions. Sorry to be a bit bland.
So far all i can say is that Range Rovers Rule!!!!
Cheers all


I have a 99 DSE it is chipped and flies but also drinks if you use the extra power. Cheapest way to get more grunt is to chip it. That may not seem true when you are shelling out £300 to £400 quid for a bit of silicone and an hours work, but it is. You could try removing the intercooler and flushing it out, that will also help and increase MPG. Best stuff by far to do flush with is Acetone. Acetone eats carbon. You can get it from fibre glass suppliers such as Glassplies of Southport. If you can't get any, use spraygun cleaner, available from auto paint suppliers you should get a gallon of that for next to nothing. Usual precautions apply to use of solvents.
i got a 99 dse and my previous car was also a performance car, a very rare rouse sport 304-r cosworth :D hence the reason for chipping the diesel ranger as std they are bloomin under powered.
i went down the road of a plug and play system as you can take it off when you decide to sell the car ;) i had a look at different types of chips and went for the 1 in the link at the bottom!. i am very happy with it and im getting figures of mid 20's in mpg round town and if i put the cruise cont set at 70 mph im getting a steady 35.4 mpg as this sytem gives you an economy mode and performance mode.. power is there within a split second if you need it otherwise it runs in economy mode..plenty of torque now and quick at pull off! and no smoke! have a good read on it.. im glad i went for that system..im also a fibreglass laminator and got a supply of acetone and yes it is the nuts for cleaning out the intercooler..i also have a large intercooler for sale but its for 2001/2004 models wich i found out after buying it :(
About the Spider diesel tuning device
oh and theres £100.00 off at the mo ;)

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