Is there anyway we could get the marquee and or some gazeebos in light of the fact that its virtually November and theres bound to be rain ?
If you can source the equipment I can do it if you like ;)

Cheers but not too worried about the grass....I can always cut an area big enough for a gathering and a few pathways if nothing else turns up.

Is there anyway we could get the marquee and or some gazeebos in light of the fact that its virtually November and theres bound to be rain ?

Got it covered ;):cool:
Right then Chippie festive folk....time to get some organisification under way.

Twood be useful to know some rough numbers so I can make sure there is going to be enuff food/shelter etc so if you could form an orderly rabble below and say how many bodies (breathing ones Boomer :rolleyes:) yer bringing along I'd appreciate it....Ta

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