
New Member
Having only just bought my first Landrover a 1995 V8i auto with LPG conversion I have discovered my first problem and wondered if anyone else had encountered a similar problem and solved it.

I have been trying to transfer the child safety seats from my Ford Focus (now belonging to the missus) into the Landrover. The seats are the kind that are forward facing and secured in place by the seat belts fitted into the vehicle using a clip that stops the belts movement.

The problem I am having is that I do not appear to be able to get enough tension on the landrovers seatbelts to properley secure the child seat into position using the clip system. I have a feeling that it may have something to do with the higher anchor point of the rear seatbelts in the Landrover compared to those in the Focus. This leaves the seats loose and far more mobile than they should be or were in the focus.

Has anyone else encountered this problem and if so did you slove it and how????

My kids (aged 2) are itching to get in it but until the seats are fitted properley I am having to refuse them a ride in my new toy.

Hope somebody can advise.
Many regards
I think you will have to go to Morthercare or the likes and get Discovery approved seats, there are only a selected few that will work in the Disco... sorry about that, but thats the truth of it.
Thanks for your reply. I bet the discovery approved seats aren't cheap either. But if thats the way to go I would rather my kids were safe than take a risk. The missus ain't gonna be happy, she didn't want me to buy the V8i she thinks its too big.

Once again many thanks for your quick response and help. This Landrover newbie is very grateful.
We encountered the same problems with our Freelander. Your right it is caused by the higher anchor point. When speaking with Landrover themselves they suggested their version of a Brittax seat which costs £180. We choose not to go for this one and instead spoke with experts at Mothercare who informed us that Landrover are the worst vehicle to purchase a car seat for. We bought the Brittax Renaissance seat for £120 however due to the leather seats this still isn't the best fit. The Mothercare experts said that they were "only just" happy with the fit but that there was no other seat that would provide a better fit.

Good Luck
Wow!! £120 The missus is gonna blow a fuse.. (might be an idea not to tell her as we need 2 (got twin daughters aged 2)) I think i'd better see mothercare and take the same advise as yourself. I certainly want my kids to be safe and I am not happy with the fit I am getting from the current ones we own.

The only other advise I have received (independantly from this forum) was from a friend of my partners Mum & Dad who works for RAC who says it might be possible to create a second lower anchor point by clamping the Landrover seat belt to itself just above the carseat creating a similar effect to the lwer anchor point in the Ford Focus. Not sure how this would work (or even whether it is legal).

Anyway thank you for your response, I think I will talk to Mothercare and see if they offer similar advise to yourself. As I said I don't want my kids at risk.

HI all,

thought I would let you know that the Child seat issues are resolved and my kids have taken their first ride in my new toy.

The clamp system mentioned above that effectively lowers the anchor point was given a try out of desperation whilst I waited to visit Mothercare as advised above. To my surprise it was extremely successful and the Car seats are very firmly clamped into place. Even more surprising was that I have been informed that there is nothing wrong legally about the clamping and although the clamps are homemade and look a little crude they work a treat.
So I doubt I will be forced into spending £240 on 2 new seats and unless given reason to change the clamps are in until the kids are old enough for booster seats and the fitted belts in the Landy.

My kids loved the ride and I'm happy they are as safe as can be out on the road.


P.D Many thanks for the responses. You guys are great.

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