
New Member
Hi All
Was just wondering if anyone knew if the rear seatbelts where longer in the newer discos,i have a 96 n reg disco and the seatbelts in the back are to short for my car seat so i have to put it in the front seat but i have seen newer ones with them in the back, so if this is the case do you know if they will fit mine?
many thanks:)
I've got 2 kiddies seats in the back of my 1995 disco.

Kids are 1 and almost 3, so one of the seats is quite big. I'd rather replace a car seat than my disco!
My grandma has a huge car seat in the back of her Disco 3. It fits in the very back seat too.
my 97 plate disco seat belts go through the car seat no problem, just wondering are you fitting it properly?
You can get longer buckle straps for the D1 cos the center seatbelt buckle in mine is twice as long as the left & right rear buckle straps.
I had this prob with the carrier, 4months on my son is still on front seat (with airbag disconnected) when he moves into his forward facing seat he will sit on the back seat
Are the seat belt extenders no good?? The belts in the back of my Defender were to short for the baby's seat, got a 12" (I think) extender and all is well, think it was £5 or thereabouts, it's basically just a length of belt with a Male and Female seat belt bits at either end.

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