I dont think the fact that it is a legal byway is being questioned any longer. However that doesnt answer the question as to whether it should have been driven? What state the lane has been left in now? whether we should encourage peeps that wont listen to advice to get stuck?
I dont think the fact that it is a legal byway is being questioned any longer. However that doesnt answer the question as to whether it should have been driven? What state the lane has been left in now? whether we should encourage peeps that wont listen to advice to get stuck?

Sorry to intrude on this thread but I have a question...... I've sort of hovered around this forum for a while now and I've noticed that no one seems to want to get stuck? Or encourage others to try a difficult lane? If it is legal then what is the problem with having a bash. I've seen some of the green lane pictures/threads and if i'm honest some of them seem more tame than for a decent off road excursion. Fair enough advice is always helpful especially if its advice on the best way to traverse said lane/obstacle. But surely getting stuck or at least having a struggle is part of the fun? certainly is for myself and most of my friends anyway, and if the lane is passable in an old fiesta then I don't really see the point of owning a 4x4?

Personally I think good on the guy for at least giving it a go, fair enough he maybe went the wrong way it about, being on his own and stuff, but at least he tried...

But this is all just my opinion and if anyone takes this in offence I apologize.
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Sorry to intrude on this thread but I have a question...... I've sort of hovered around this forum for a while now and I've noticed that no one seems to want to get stuck? Or encourage others to try a difficult lane? If it is legal then what is the problem with having a bash. I've seen some of the green lane pictures/threads and if i'm honest some of them seem more tame than for a decent off road excursion. Fair enough advice is always helpful especially if its advice on the best way to traverse said lane/obstacle. But surely getting stuck or at least having a struggle is part of the fun? certainly is for myself and most of my friends anyway, and if the lane is passable in an old fiesta then I don't really see the point of owning a 4x4?

Personally I think good on the guy for at least giving it a go, fair enough he maybe went the wrong way it about, being on his own and stuff, but at least he tried...

But this is all just my opinion and if anyone takes this in offence I apologize.

It is not a good idea because it damages the lanes, or indeed any ground that you drive over when conditions are wrong. Doing this will lead to more lane closures, and gives ammunition to the antis that want to have laning banned altogether! Don't do it :mad:
fairly simply - it isnt an offroad pay and play site. It is a byway, normally known as a BOAT. Byway Open to All Traffic. It isnt ours to rip up, but to travel along. Others have an equal right to travel it. Walkers, Horseriders, cyclists etc. By ripping it to pieces, the perpetrators are giving the council and other interested parties, just the excuse they need to close it completely.
We have to drive these "green lanes" with due consideration. If you want to drive something challenging and/or extreme, a Pay and Play site is the place to practice. Not the countryside!

I am led to believe, but it is only hear-say, that this person has been stuck in that lane many times in the last couple of weeks, despite requests to give it a break. Some members on here declined to help for that very reason.

I would like to see pics of that lane in daylight to see what damage had occurred. I stand to be corrected and, as stated, I am repeating legitimate concerns. I have no axe to grind with any of the individuals, but if true, this gives us a bad name.

One further point, and I accept it is my personal opinion, but going with a few mates, enjoying the craik, enjoying the scenery and having a damn good day out (followed by chippies) takes a lot to be beaten. Not everyone has that luxury. We aught to be thankful and try and protect that priviledge, not ruin it.
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I don't think he made it any worse, the ruts etc are obviously done by much bigger equipment, looking at the pics in that difflock thread it looks much drier, and the same is shown on google earth, there was a mention it's been feature in Lro?
I don't think he made it any worse, the ruts etc are obviously done by much bigger equipment, looking at the pics in that difflock thread it looks much drier, and the same is shown on google earth, there was a mention it's been feature in Lro?

It looks like it has seen a good deal of tractor use, really the farmer should restore the lane after winter usage, but this is rarely enforced, as far as I know. It might be if there were complaints to the council about it.
My own opinion would be that that lane is far too wet to drive for recreational purposes, and I would try and avoid using it for farm purposes unless essential.
He doesn't need to use that route unless he lives along there, why not just wait until it has dried out and avoid upsetting other users??
Some very valid points and I see those clearly. I also understand that ripping them to pieces can annoy other users. However if the lanes are only to be driven when dry/hard and easily passable why not get a car and do them that way, bound to be more comfortable than a drafty landrover. Pay and play days are all good and well, however I and everyone else pays a substantial amount to both own my vehicle and drive my vehicle on the roads, if I then have to pay an extra amount to both use and enjoy it in the way it should be it sort of annoys me. If its only allowable to use it properly on pay and play then I may as well save myself a fortune on road legalising it and just get a trailer for it. I gave up track days for pretty much the same reason.

To be fair, its not like it matters as there are no BOAT lanes anywhere near me anyway.
Some very valid points and I see those clearly. I also understand that ripping them to pieces can annoy other users. However if the lanes are only to be driven when dry/hard and easily passable why not get a car and do them that way, bound to be more comfortable than a drafty landrover. Pay and play days are all good and well, however I and everyone else pays a substantial amount to both own my vehicle and drive my vehicle on the roads, if I then have to pay an extra amount to both use and enjoy it in the way it should be it sort of annoys me. If its only allowable to use it properly on pay and play then I may as well save myself a fortune on road legalising it and just get a trailer for it. I gave up track days for pretty much the same reason.

To be fair, its not like it matters as there are no BOAT lanes anywhere near me anyway.
I wasn't sayin you shouldn't drive any lanes if it is wet.:)
What I was saying is that some soils will be damaged if driven repeatedly in very wet weather. A rocky pavement or a very sandy soil can be driven in any conditions without harm. Some heavy clays and loams will dissolve under heavy traffic in the wet. It is a matter of having the experience and judgement to know what to attempt and when. And in my view, looking at sues pics, this chap did not! Which would seem to be borne out by his being repeatedly stuck before!:)

Btw, mate, some ORPAs can also be driven legally, have a look on OS for them.
Some very valid points and I see those clearly. I also understand that ripping them to pieces can annoy other users. However if the lanes are only to be driven when dry/hard and easily passable why not get a car and do them that way, bound to be more comfortable than a drafty landrover. Pay and play days are all good and well, however I and everyone else pays a substantial amount to both own my vehicle and drive my vehicle on the roads, if I then have to pay an extra amount to both use and enjoy it in the way it should be it sort of annoys me. If its only allowable to use it properly on pay and play then I may as well save myself a fortune on road legalising it and just get a trailer for it. I gave up track days for pretty much the same reason.

To be fair, its not like it matters as there are no BOAT lanes anywhere near me

You make it sound like mud is the only challenge. If so it would suggest you aren't very experienced.

We share the lanes we drive and to make them unusable for anyone else is at best selfish....at worst giving those that want us stopped the excuse to exclude us completely.
Have actually had considerations about heading out on a laning trip in a normal car, only doing tame lanes obviously but again mainly for the craic.

One for the bucket list :)
Have actually had considerations about heading out on a laning trip in a normal car, only doing tame lanes obviously but again mainly for the craic.

One for the bucket list :)
Hi Sam, Ive always fancied seeing as though most lanes in the peaks have now been resurfaced, doing a laning trip with caravans. Should be a laugh:D
I wasn't sayin you shouldn't drive any lanes if it is wet.:)
What I was saying is that some soils will be damaged if driven repeatedly in very wet weather. A rocky pavement or a very sandy soil can be driven in any conditions without harm. Some heavy clays and loams will dissolve under heavy traffic in the wet. It is a matter of having the experience and judgement to know what to attempt and when. And in my view, looking at sues pics, this chap did not! Which would seem to be borne out by his being repeatedly stuck before!:)

Btw, mate, some ORPAs can also be driven legally, have a look on OS for them.

This is fair enough, and if i'm honest I agree with that, I wouldn't and don't see the point in going over and over the same route, pass once and move on. As you point out, the guy that was stuck and has been repeatedly stuck in the same place seems a bit daft, if you can't do it then leave.

I've never really been out with an experienced group, most of my friends just go out and drive somewhere muddy so your explanation of the different soils etc is new to me, so thanks :)

And i've never realised about the ORPAs so again, thanks.
You make it sound like mud is the only challenge. If so it would suggest you aren't very experienced.

We share the lanes we drive and to make them unusable for anyone else is at best selfish....at worst giving those that want us stopped the excuse to exclude us completely.

I understand mud isn't the only challenge and I would never dream of making them unpassable for other users but I enjoy the challenge more of a good mud hole as opposed a bit of a hill.

Have actually had considerations about heading out on a laning trip in a normal car, only doing tame lanes obviously but again mainly for the craic.

One for the bucket list :)

Tried it many years ago in a mk2 astra merit, did better than I thought it would but it had good high suspension :)
try looking at Holme upon spalding moor ;)

Really?? I used to live there but I don't recall any tracks.
Some very valid points and I see those clearly. I also understand that ripping them to pieces can annoy other users. However if the lanes are only to be driven when dry/hard and easily passable why not get a car and do them that way, bound to be more comfortable than a drafty landrover. Pay and play days are all good and well, however I and everyone else pays a substantial amount to both own my vehicle and drive my vehicle on the roads, if I then have to pay an extra amount to both use and enjoy it in the way it should be it sort of annoys me. If its only allowable to use it properly on pay and play then I may as well save myself a fortune on road legalising it and just get a trailer for it. I gave up track days for pretty much the same reason.

To be fair, its not like it matters as there are no BOAT lanes anywhere near me anyway.

I have to say well done for not throwing your toys out the pram and having a wobbly. In turn i will try not to get on my soap box and get too angry about what your describing. :) :(

You have to understand that these lanes do not belong to you or me, they belong to everyone. You have no right to cause damage to these lanes. When you try to get through or create a challenge then your causing damage. It may not be immediate but when other do the same it dosent take long.

There are places in this country that you can get challenged by driving lanes, places like wales and the lake district have a naturally rocky terrain. Loads of valleys and hills that have lanes on them. These are technical and non damaging.

You say that you don't want to pay any more money to use your vehicle. Im sorry but thats just life, nothing id free is it? If you can't afford to go to a pay and play site then you don't go. Just because you can't afford it dosent mean the rest of us have to pay the price for your misuse of public rights of way. :( Your being very selfish in your outlook.

There is so many people out there looking to bad mouth 4x4 users and the impact we have on the countryside, those people like mad 4 mud play right into there hands. I don't doubt for a second that they will see us all as a bunch of killjoys looking to spoil there fun. They don't understand the implications and worse still they don't give a flying f*ck, as long as there happy then boll*cks to everyone else. :(

Cant beat getting stuck :)

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