A Fistfull of Dollars
A Few Dollars More
The Good, The Bad, The well Cheesed off
Directed by Sergneo2 Leone

Great box set for Xmas.
Rob and The Money Pit , A tale of pain, hope, desperation, friendship and steely determination. You will laugh , you will cry and you will want more but most of all you will thank God you're not Rob :)
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Rob and The Money Pit , A tale of pain, hope, desperation, friendship and steely determination. You will laugh , you will cry and you will want more but most of all you will thank God you're not Rob :)

Some cracking posts there guys and thanks for them all ha the funny ones too was a bit stressful yesturda and today early on as i was thinking the very worst and **** me not again senarios lol....

Ok a local place Bowburn 4x4 use a landrover ex techie to do all there stuff like this thats out on site and and he came this morning and with help from Rick last night the problem was quickly sorted out...

It was this basically, since Rick fixed it the first time ive always used one key a new one i bought from land rover all programmed key number 5 it was... the original key was key 1 but i honestly dont know when it was last used or synced to anything...

Daftly so i have a few cars 6 to be fair, and i just paired the keys up so i dont loose them, in the heat of the moment with all the weather and snow i just gave him the keys and i started it and he drove off...

He locked the rangie at his house went to bed and unlocked it in the morning tried to start it and it just turned over, so he thought must be wrong key and tried the other still the same then rang me and said


Anyways its turned out the key he used must of not been synced in and has basically confused the system and melted its head so the rangie took the huff....

5 mins on the laptop and £50 call out and it fired up straight away and both kes now start it and seem to be fine now....

Sorry its not the sequal to the other thread might of made good reading but my wallet and pateints cant take it ha ha :amen:

anyways might of been me jumping the gun with the post like but i feared the worst again as you can understand its a great car but by christ its testing me lol....
AFAIK, you can't have two synced keys at any one given time. Maybe your bro, used the other key and now its probably got the ENGINE DISABLED msg.

P.S : Why would you have the spare and the original key in the same bunch anyways, kinda defeats the purpose doesn't it :)

message indeed was engine disabled on dash.. correct sir :)

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