don't do it... them is really crap. i got one fer a tenner(euros) and it struggles pulling the lawn tractor
ta daft mate..

now that's a bit more of a serious winch :D

tbh i'm not really bothered for one as it won't get anywhere near the use it should but if i get one cheep i will ;)
if you keep yer eyes peeled there's ocasionally a trifor that goes fer silly money, last one i bought was about £35 inc a new cable (which i managed to break yesterday) - and you could pull yer house down with one of them

but it wont look as bling as one one those leccy ones, but it'll work fer ever (and under water)
from wot i can gather from peeps wot use there motors seriously - the winch aint used fur month after month and then is likely to be seized when yu DO need it coz of all the crap which has gone inside:eek:
@ sean i have a trifor sat in the garage i erm borrowed it off a site i was on when we used it to drag a dumper back up after it slid down an embankment :D

@ daft i know what you mean i remember mark saying he hadent used his for age's untill king got stuck at tong..
@ sean i have a trifor sat in the garage i erm borrowed it off a site i was on when we used it to drag a dumper back up after it slid down an embankment :D

well if you've already got one dont be wasting yer hard earnt on that silly leccy thing - just expect to have arms like popeye if you ever have to put it to much use :D
dunno if this is any good to ya?

Just to let folks know. My missus bought me one of thems fleabay 12000lb leccy winches fer christmas. I haven't tried it out with a real hard, bogged to the axle in clay type tug yet, but so far it seems to stand up to the likes of superwinch x9's, huskys and warn 8000's. I got me the one with the bridged solonoids (metal cased not plastic) as they are pretty much watertight and solonoids are normally the route of problems. The wireless remote is cheap tat but does work. If you want to buy a 'proper' wireless remote it will cost you just short of £200 squids. For £230 notes I give it a big thumbs up.
If yu are planning to use it very often, challenge event or forestry work...then warn, super winch or even hydraulic...take your pick...

If occasioinal laning or pay sites off roading....the chepish ones will stand up to it.....besides, without the winch, they dont let you into black routes for more serious fun.......

Do a proper cleanup after laning or play day......not using high pressure jets as that will wash away the grease around the joints used to prevent mud seepage. Gentle brush works fine. And pull out the winch cable to clean, inspect for damage and rewound properly. This will extend the life of the winch/cable.

Put a cover on the winch on normal days. On the day or night prior to play day, choose a steep slope, even on tarmac, pull out at least 3 quarters of the cable and rewound them to the drum properly while pulling the vehicle up the slope. this way you know your winch is working and the cables are rewounded nicely.....ooh...and check for cable damage at the same time too....
if you keep yer eyes peeled there's ocasionally a trifor that goes fer silly money, last one i bought was about £35 inc a new cable (which i managed to break yesterday) - and you could pull yer house down with one of them

but it wont look as bling as one one those leccy ones, but it'll work fer ever (and under water)

you love those bloody trifor things dont you
was looking round ebay fer bit's to add to me disco when i found this..

Powerful 12V Electric Reversible Winch 11000Lbs/3500Lbs on eBay, also Trailer Transporter Parts, Trailers Transporters, Commercial Vehicles, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 14-Jan-08 16:31:12 GMT)

now i know cheep generally means ****e but thought maybe it was a nice cheep starter model for those without deep pocket's ?

but i'm proberly wrong ha ha ha :rolleyes:

I've got an older version of the same thing.
Great for draggging caravans and trailers around or vehicles on solid surfaces but very little else.
I use mine for moving vehicles that aren't running up my sloping drive.
At the moment I'm rebuilding my SWB and it struggles to move the rolling chassis.
Like others I'd say get a Tifor.
At Derby Horse sales a few months ago a mate got one for £8 (complete with wire and in "used" condition but still GWO)!
Huge great thing and very heavy so that is probably the reason no other interest and cheap but so worth having.

Paul Humphries

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