rollin danny

Well-Known Member
If anyones interested Nettos have got 15 ltr veg oil £11.99. Ive tried running mine on it but it dosent like it. I know some of you do without any problems. :)
I bunged some in my 300tdi auto the other day and it smokes more than Dot Cotton! Only put in 6 litres with about 1/4 of a tank??? My Old Pug 306 used run on it fine?? Any ideas of why it does this??
thats not a bad price as i put 6 litres in to every £10 worth of derv been gettin it from asda my 200 runs fine on that mix
Errr, yes you might say that:eek:, I bought Boomers breaker a month or 2 back with the view that it couldnt really be that bad.....could it??? Well all I can say is that its got more rott than Tutankhamen!! and Gravity was playing a bigger part in keeping th body on the chassis than the non exsistant body mounts! Lol! So will be breaking it up for spares, In the mean time DV found me a not so rusty 3 door Disco on here with 11mths ticket and 5months tax but had a broken engine, so have bought that to, so all I gota do now is get one gooden built out of the 2 broken ones! So next bank holiday weekend when DV gets his arse back from sunny himself on a beech with Mrs DV he'll be giving me a hand to get the job done. If you want any bits please do let me know!
maths not your strong point then
Yeah maths are fine! ;)

I was wondering who would pick up on it :blabla:

The other 9% is er um a secret ingredient :p

Rust if its a disco I suppose:rolleyes:??? Lol!

:rolleyes: The other 1%
Errr, yes you might say that:eek:, I bought Boomers breaker a month or 2 back with the view that it couldnt really be that bad.....could it??? Well all I can say is that its got more rott than Tutankhamen!! and Gravity was playing a bigger part in keeping th body on the chassis than the non exsistant body mounts! Lol! So will be breaking it up for spares, In the mean time DV found me a not so rusty 3 door Disco on here with 11mths ticket and 5months tax but had a broken engine, so have bought that to, so all I gota do now is get one gooden built out of the 2 broken ones! So next bank holiday weekend when DV gets his arse back from sunny himself on a beech with Mrs DV he'll be giving me a hand to get the job done. If you want any bits please do let me know!

well tell him to hurry up then !!
then we can all laff at ya getting stuck !! or
breaking somefing like dv :D:D:D
I'll tell him to pull his finger out dont you worry! Lol! Im glad you guys have so much confidence in him breaking stuff! His Moto is " If you can make it, I can break it!!" and he seems to live up to it very well!! :rolly:

Just hope my Disco will be more reliable than his!!
Hmm this is quite interesting..what kind of mixes do you guys run? is this done through a mixing system,or just whapped straight into the tank?anyone tried this with used oil?
and J.P.S would your secret ingredient have anything to do with nail varnish remover? ;)
Hmm this is quite interesting..what kind of mixes do you guys run? is this done through a mixing system,or just whapped straight into the tank?anyone tried this with used oil?
and J.P.S would your secret ingredient have anything to do with nail varnish remover? ;)
Nope it isnt.........Its a SECRET..........

All the answers you are looking for are already on this site have a search about dude!!
And yes i use used chippy oil or WVO (Waste Vegetable Oil)

Oh and :welcome2:
i run my 96 tdi on filtered wvo 9.5 ltr thinned with half ltr white spirit an i try and put in 2 galls diesel to half a tank seems to be running so far starts ok and no noticable smoke or loss of power
Thank you for the replies,J.p.S:
I fully intend to have a search around-this seems a very knowledgable and helpful forum =) and i must admit i am very intrigued by your 9% additive!!
Mudpilot,thank you for your formula-Have you been using this long?
ie:how is you disco on cold starts?
The oil from Netto is working out at 79p per litre so if you could run yer car on nearly 100% you could save about £20 on a full tank.So far my atempts have been disasterous.Tried 50/50 mix in half a tank ,it run like a bag of **** and wouldn't rev up .So I brimed it with diesel,Still rough.Changed fuel filter ,ran better but still stalled occasionally.Think Ill give up while Ive still got some hair. :D
The oil from Netto is working out at 79p per litre so if you could run yer car on nearly 100% you could save about £20 on a full tank.So far my atempts have been disasterous.Tried 50/50 mix in half a tank ,it run like a bag of **** and wouldn't rev up .So I brimed it with diesel,Still rough.Changed fuel filter ,ran better but still stalled occasionally.Think Ill give up while Ive still got some hair. :D
What engine you got???
Thank you for the replies,J.p.S:
I fully intend to have a search around-this seems a very knowledgable and helpful forum =) and i must admit i am very intrigued by your 9% additive!!
Mudpilot,thank you for your formula-Have you been using this long?
ie:how is you disco on cold starts?
mudpilot answer seems ok on cold start but not been at it long enough for really cold weather been going fine since the middle of march just keep a good eye on your filter though im a bit tight and rinse mine every two weeks or so with white spirit this depends on your source of wvo as it can carry water along with all the other bits pieces of rubbish that gets in it

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