I thought swarfega was good until I started using Manista. That seems to be the stuff to buy these days and certainly does the job. Has won awards too
I use fairy liquid and a bit of sugar and it does a grand job, use without any water initially, give a scrub then wash off:)
I used to do that but no one else was keen on using the sugar or washing up liquid after I'd got the containers covered in oil and grease
I thought swarfega was good until I started using Manista. That seems to be the stuff to buy these days and certainly does the job. Has won awards too

going to put my cor blimey hat on now,
when I was more into motor mechanicing - must have been mid `80`s ????
Comma oils brought out that micro sillica chipped hand cleaner....
and it was never liked much "at the time"

I loved it as washing up liquid & sugar dried out & cracked the skin on my hands :eek:
going to put my cor blimey hat on now,

when I was more into motor mechanicing - must have been mid `80`s ????

Comma oils brought out that micro sillica chipped hand cleaner....

and it was never liked much "at the time"

I loved it as washing up liquid & sugar dried out & cracked the skin on my hands :eek:

We have moisturisers now tho :eek:

I have a gallon pump bottle of orange swarfega under the washing up sink, been there for a few years - keep forgetting its there....

tis true that I have a skin problem, I can now only shower/wash my hair/baldhead/ tired old body in tescos baby bath & shampoo......true that......
then I wont mention the pump dispenser of "doublebase gel" for my legs & feet,
as only old feckers use it ;)

as its still on my hands after treating my legs/feet, I them rub it on my arms and bald head...............

Looking for nubile young ladies who need massaging in of a water & oil based skin conditioner over most Intimate parts.......

its only to keep my hands supple - honest..

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