Yeah, wondering if I should go back for more. I clicked on the more info link andit said the promo code to use was BIGDEAL31. Not sure if that's what gave the third off on top of the free filters.
Yeah, thanks for this.

I decided to go for 20l and 4 filters for the rangie, as well as spark plugs, air and pollen filters, and pretty much most other service parts. And more oil + filters, and glow plugs for the merc. Not so cheap afterall, but at least it will all be done.
Mine was delivered this morning on standard (free) delivery. That was PDQ. All present and correct. That should keep me going for a year!
Sadly all this goes to show is how much profit they and others make selling at full price. They will still be making 50% on the reduced price. Food for thought.
Same for antifreeze halfruads £ 24.99 4 litres

Jcb 20 litres £43.00 local tractor shop do the maths

The tractor shop will be making 50% or more on that. So how much are Halfrauds making. Same everywhere, rip off Britain lives on.
Bloody hell is that the same for oil and parts is it worth people taking a ferry over for parts and if so Anywhere near Calais??

If the tractor stuff is neat antifreeze. That would be £2.15 per litre. Keiths ready mix is only half antifreeze the rest is water. So that equates to about £2.72 per litre. Better off with the JCB stuff. :D:D
Was more concerned with oil that's the pricy stuff

Not if you go to a factors and get trade it ain't. Ok more now compared to what it was a few years ago, but nothing like the prices the likes of Halfrauds charge. Halfrauds play on the fact that Joe Bloggs is capable of changing the engine oil and filter with the help of his Haynes manual. So he saves £25.00 or £30.00 on a garage oil change anyway, so charging him £40.00 for a gallon of oil. Or now even 4 litres, just not enough to do the job, so he has to buy two or an extra litre at some astronomical price. Keeps Halfrauds profit up and Joe is still an happy camper. Joe does not know he can do the job for less than £25.00 including the filter. :D:D:D
Was more concerned with oil that's the pricy stuff

Spare parts are 2 to 3 times more expensive over here €27 for a P38 diesel oil filter for example. I get all my parts from the UK, even with postage it's cheaper especially if I bulk buy. Oil is not too bad if you shop around, just paid €23 for 7 litres of Shell Helix ultra 5W40 fully synthetic. Dexron on the other hand even at the factors is dearer than top quality champagne:mad:
Not if you go to a factors and get trade it ain't. Ok more now compared to what it was a few years ago, but nothing like the prices the likes of Halfrauds charge. Halfrauds play on the fact that Joe Bloggs is capable of changing the engine oil and filter with the help of his Haynes manual. So he saves £25.00 or £30.00 on a garage oil change anyway, so charging him £40.00 for a gallon of oil. Or now even 4 litres, just not enough to do the job, so he has to buy two or an extra litre at some astronomical price. Keeps Halfrauds profit up and Joe is still an happy camper. Joe does not know he can do the job for less than £25.00 including the filter. :D:D:D

Trouble is I can't get trade any more I'm just joe blogs now not in the industry they all want vat and proof nowadays :(
Spare parts are 2 to 3 times more expensive over here €27 for a P38 diesel oil filter for example. I get all my parts from the UK, even with postage it's cheaper especially if I bulk buy. Oil is not too bad if you shop around, just paid €23 for 7 litres of Shell Helix ultra 5W40 fully synthetic. Dexron on the other hand even at the factors is dearer than top quality champagne:mad:

Shame was hoping for an excuse to pop over after you said about the antifreeze thought I might of been on to something nothing ventured nothing gained ..:)
Trouble is I can't get trade any more I'm just joe blogs now not in the industry they all want vat and proof nowadays :(

Factors here are very reluctant to deal with non registered individuals, none will supply at trade price. They deal with me because I always ask for a specific item so they think I know what I'm doing LOL When the ask I say I'm a Land Rover specialist:rolleyes:
Trouble is I can't get trade any more I'm just joe blogs now not in the industry they all want vat and proof nowadays :(

Wearing overalls or dirty clothing and hands covered in oil helps a lot. Also being well know and knowing what your on about has it's advantages. :D:D:D
Wearing overalls or dirty clothing and hands covered in oil helps a lot. Also being well know and knowing what your on about has it's advantages. :D:D:D

Believe me iv tried, do you know the answers I get we already reduce everything by 20 % when infact most traders get 40/60% discount this would be Cpa euro parts pma camberley auto factors the list is endless maybe up north there a little more lax than down south .
Believe me iv tried, do you know the answers I get we already reduce everything by 20 % when infact most traders get 40/60% discount this would be Cpa euro parts pma camberley auto factors the list is endless maybe up north there a little more lax than down south .

Well it would not do if Joe public could go in and get stuff trade would it. Most factors years ago would not serve you at all unless you were in the trade. Now they are less choosy and will serve anybody. But they charge retail. The discount depends on the bits you are buying.

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