
New Member
I am looking to insure a P38 4.6 HSE.

Conventional insurers are looking to charge £7-800 because of it's high insurance group. Even My TVR only cost £350 a year.

Are there any specialist 4x4 insurers or companies that will insure it as a second car. Maybe even a classsic car (It is over ten years old after all)?


I was quoted £586.00 for my 4.6 hse by my previous insurers, so i contacted sureterm direct, they advertise in the magazines. They quoted me £299.00 fully comp, protected no claims and i am also covered for using it off road. There number is 0700 20 20 999, it doesn`t hurt to get a quote.
Hope this helps
If you go through you will get a quote from lancaster insurance worked a treat for me, a little over £400 i`m 24 with me other half as a second driver and shes only 22 and just passed her test.

Im insured with Lancaster and in the same boat as rangiep38. only 24. and my insurance is £480 full comp. also due to engine work I have just had to have done. managed to get them to agree to a valuation on it rather than market value.

I am not sure how old you are but if your as old as me 39 I got quoted 323.00 from Privilege Insurance. What a bargain for a 4.6 V8 engine on a supreme piece of engineering.
Mine is about £400 via London Victoria. The reason why insurance is so low is down to the RR's security system.

Lets face it, if the owner with an original fob/key to the car cant even get it going once the battery is low, what chance has a thief? And as a RR is a 4x4 it would need to be flat trucked.
I was honest and informed my AA insurance that I had 'chipped' my 2.5DSE, because if I had an accident and they found out it would have invalidated the insurance. They wouldn't renew becaue of the power upgrade. Half the companies I asked didn't want to know because of the digital power upgrade unit. In the end Ensleigh did it for £261 fully comp with wife driving as well anmd they don't object to the power upgrade! Mine you we have full no claims and no claims/offences for over 5 years. Full marks to Ensleigh on this one.
Out of interst what have you all got declared. As mine jumped up approx £150 by declaring all my mods, wheels, lights, bull bar, wood and lpg
All I have is the Rimmer Bros. Digital Power Upgrade that gives about 167+ bhp in place of the normal 136 bhp. The stupid thing is that we also have a BMW 330D which is in a different ball-park regarding performance (140-150 mph)and that is not loaded (Esure approx £250 f.c.). Anyone who knows the P38 2.5 DSE knows it is well underpowered and the power upgrade just makes it a nice car to drive - not a boy racer car. Crazy World.:eek:
Try admiral my girlfreind is only 23 and hasnt even been driving 4 years she just insured our 4.6 hse Im a named driver on the poicy and it cost £440 F.C and I declared my gas conversion.:)
I declaired the lpg kit and a speeding fine on a 4.6 hse, old insurance £586.00, Sureterm direct £299.00.
its got to be sureterm direct i`ve just been quoted £230.00 for fully comp on my classic lse , and to add my partner who has only held her license 18mths and had an own fault accident £340.00 i know who i will be renewing with :)

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