I have one in a wardrobe somewhere, Not used it for a couple of years.

I'll dig it out and post back later this evening, about to go back to work shortly.
Heh, quick reprieve from work ..

No-name air rifle, .177 brand new carrybag, tin of pellets! Scope is 4x28 no-name .. ;)

No clue as to price, make me an offer if you're interested.


No idea what it's worth, I was given it, but the last air rifle I bought was £300+ though I do know it's only worth probably a tenth of that at most .. ;)

We don't use it, nowhere to use it, can't be bothered to do anything about it, too much else on.
if ya gonna post it, make sure ya take the action out of the stock..

and wrap it well..

hearing of a lot of stocks being broken my couriers...
It's definitely an SMK B2. SMK are an importer of chinese rifles, and some are better than others, the B2 basically is the cheapest nastiest thing money can buy! If you're just buying it for plinking then you might have fun shooting cans and bottles, but as for getting good groupings and pellet on pellet accuracy you can forget it! Not trying to sabotage sale, hopefully you do just want it for plinking, and you're just going to chuck it in the shed when you're done etc then it's ideal. if you're going to cherish it, and oil it regularly and then take it to field target competitions then it's probably not the best LOL
I have a .22 which will be up for sale as soon as I get my fire arms licence.

Same I will have a Weirauch HW35 with a welsh willy upgrade kit scope and bag. Very accurate and un twangy unlike when I got it £220. Power wise I think last time I chrono'd it was 10.9 but not chrono'd for a while. I could get more power but it turns twangy and less accurate.
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It's definitely an SMK B2. SMK are an importer of chinese rifles, and some are better than others, the B2 basically is the cheapest nastiest thing money can buy! If you're just buying it for plinking then you might have fun shooting cans and bottles, but as for getting good groupings and pellet on pellet accuracy you can forget it! Not trying to sabotage sale, hopefully you do just want it for plinking, and you're just going to chuck it in the shed when you're done etc then it's ideal. if you're going to cherish it, and oil it regularly and then take it to field target competitions then it's probably not the best LOL

My old man has a B2 its been messed with ALOT and its ok. Its never going to be a 12 ft pounder or very accurate. Then again I hear of some transfer port mods to be done to up the power. Cheap fun for plinking or getting into shooting or indeed trying to shoot rats.

I just got my pellets for my 30 round magazine for my (SMK, EEK Deep breath) XS78 Jai Mod Mk1. Modified cut down xs78 13ci bottle at 4500Psi regulated at 850psi. Should shoot nice. Then again my old weirauch still groups as good if not better consistantly!
Sorry to take so long, haven't had time to parcel it up to take to the Post Office to get weighed for a price .. I'll be onto it as soon as I can.
Sorry about this, can't sell now. Son saw me parcelling it up to check the weight for postage and decided he wants it.

Sorry for messing you about, it wasn't intentional.
Paul There are a few mods that can be done to make it better if you find its terrible shout I can pm some of them. Its never going to be amazing. Collect some jam jars fishing line strung up a foot off the ground and he will have fun with it.
That would be good, Jai, thanks.

IIRC it wan't bad for messing about, not powerful but actually was accurate .. about every fourth shot!! ;)

We have a load of LCD screens from broken laptops that need throwing out (not working at all) from school, so we're painting targets on 'em before taking to the recycling .. :)

Might even glue a pic of a Mitsubishi or Nissan on them ... or Freelander .. ;)
If it's any use to you got this... £120. In bicester I won't post though

Just had abit of a going over adjustable power valve. Metal breach rather than plastic extended bolt pin ( pellet goes further in for a better seal aparently )
Scope unsure what brand... Few other bits n bobs. Just spent near on £150 on parts.


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