Yep been there myself 2 weeks ago. First time using the stuff at home. Put the pressure tin in a saucepan of water on the cooker and fired up the gas.
Nipped back outside to continue wire brushing the chassis, came back into kitchen after only to be presented with...a wax oiled kitchen!
Bloody hell the stuff must have had really bad indigestion, it had managed to "burp" a gloop clean accross the kitchen (15 feet ish). Most of the rest of the kitchen was plastered as well.
Dog had copped for a couple of hits, not happy.
Now I think we may have stumbled upon a new and effective field weapon here to take on the infidels. Just set up tins of wax oil in saucepans of water along the front line, light the gas and watch the B******S scream as molten wax oil hits em where it hurts.
Yep think I'll contact MOD tomorrow he he!
Just read this and laughed out loud, the wife thinks I was larfing at (the largely unfunny) Comic Relief - so got a bonus smile from the wife who's busily enjoying the program.

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