
Hello all...can you let me know if you have seen a chassis stamped twice with the same chassis number? It is where it should be but I see the number stamped twice SALLDHAC7....the top set are slightly bigger font with both with similar wear...age.
Hello all...can you let me know if you have seen a chassis stamped twice with the same chassis number? It is where it should be but I see the number stamped twice SALLDHAC7....the top set are slightly bigger font with both with similar wear...age.
Wasn't like that on mine. Not that I could see anyway, it was a tad rusty :rolleyes:
Can't see any numbers on my chassis. I have to get them re stamped every time I take it for the Control Technic. ( French MOT)
Did not know the French had an MOT you learn something new everyday.
Only ever seen 1 set of numbers on my rovers though.
One stamp on original 200tdi chassis, I have a few on Richards Galv chassis on another 200Tdi plus other stamp marks for id in small places
Isnt it more severe than the UK test?
No I don't think so. But I believe that will change this year. I think there is a big push to get all the old polluting cars off the road. Unless they are over 30 years old then they are classified as a vintage car. My 1990 Defender has two more years to go. At the moment there is no MOT requirement for vintage cars but they are talking about a MOT every five years.
Mine has the chassis stamped right at the front on the drivers side. Covered in Dinitrol now but it's there.

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