Great thread, I have 2004 and its showing signs of rot at back end was hoping to treat it with dinitrol then it would last few extra years what do you think

Sadly, I am NOT remotely mechanically gifted and I bought this D2 in yr2000 at retirement from work to replace my RR as I knew I would not be able to run that on a pension for long!
It has always been regularly maintained with all necessary replacement bits being done immediately they became due. The rust on the chassis was first reported by my mechanic about 4 yrs ago and it was then regularly coated in ????? to try to keep it going for as long as possible.
The MOT, only last March and 8000miles ago, remarked that there was 'slight corrosion' on the rear chassis. In November, when my mechanic was changing over my wheels ready for the winter, I asked if I could have a look at the 'slight corrosion' whilst he had the vehicle up on the ramp. I couldn't believe that there was a hole in the chassis rail, just behind the rear offside wheel. He said that that had happened in the previous 6 months that I needed to do something about it as it would not go through this year's MOT. He suggested a local'ish man who had a good reputation for good, honest work and that his opinion would be accurate. So, I visited Cambrian 4X4 Farm.
Chris had a good inspection and said that the chassis was in a bad way although not a lot was visible because they rot from the inside out. He didn't recommend welding it as he felt that the rot could be quite extensive when the chassis was revealed. How right he was! It is amazing what the experienced ear can detect by just tapping the chassis in all places.
I accepted his opinion and chose to go down the route of buying a new chassis.
It did cost me £5,500 by the time I had asked him to not stint but to replace anything that looked 'dodgy' but I did want to keep my beloved Disco. He runs beautifully and I have, over the years ,spent a lot keeping him up to standard. I knew that I could not afford a new car and certainly nothing to remotely compare with my wonderful Land Rovers, so the final total was put into perspective. I'm too old and stiff to fold my body into a little car!
When I went to collect him last week, I was able to see the discarded chassis. The rust was horrific! The rear chassis was lucky to be still holding the car up. I now know what it means when I am told ' you often can't see the rust as it starts from the inside'. The front of the chassis was in reasonable shape.
I am so pleased to have had the work done and even more pleased to have had it done by a man brilliant and experienced at this type of job. Thanks Chris Bowler.
Long Live Euphorbie4!!!

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