
New Member
I'm eventually going to take my IIa Lightweight to the MOT station for a going over before the MOT.

I know it's needing a bit of welding :( (don't know exactly how much or what it'll cost) and was wondering if anyone had an idea how much it would cost me to have the chassis replaced. I'm trying to find the point where replacement is more economical than fixing it.


Around £800 to £1000 plus anything you break getting it off.
Look in the back of the mags (LRO) for adverts etc.
Its usuly better to replace bits
and learn to weld
That's just the cost of a chassis

Mig's start at £70 and go up to as much as you want to pay.
I would look to spend around £200 to £300 for a 150A mig
get one with a long duty cycle.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Shiny bits :D Paddocks 88" galv chassis £633 all in but dont know how good they are. Has any on had one from Pads?
Thanks guys. Looks like I'll be doing night classes in welding at the local college. I'll take it for a MOT pre-check in a couple of weeks anyway and report back.


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