
New Member
Hi all, just bought a nice Defender 90 CSW 1998. The chassis looks excellent but looks like it could do with underselling or waxoyling again soon. Living not far from Horsham, can anyone recommend a good place to have it done?

I'd rather take it somewhere and have it fully treated than do it myself but want it done properly. For what it's worth, there's a receipt and certificate from "before and after" who treated it about 7 years ago, so it obviously did its job!

hmmm chrissyboy off lro gets a deserved slating, pictures to disprove his claims and thread gets locked... new member appears on here following a few should i waxoyl posts over the last few days.... and happens to let it slip his vehicle came with a 'before n after' certificate which clearly did an excellent job.....

maybe im just getting cynical as i get older....

cheers steve
No need to be cynical Steve (but I can see why). Having read the various threads regarding before n after, and the responses from Chris on this site, that's the last place my 90 will go for treatment.

I mentioned the certifate from them as that's in the cars history and as the chassis is pretty solid, I'm guessing they did a reasonable job back then. I've seen how he responds to critisism and the complaints of his workmanship on here, so there's no chance of him getting my business, I simply dont have time for people that respond that way.

Instead, i think I'll be going for the recommendation from Rob as they're fairly local and looks like they have a good reputation.
No need to be cynical Steve (but I can see why). Having read the various threads regarding before n after, and the responses from Chris on this site, that's the last place my 90 will go for treatment.

I mentioned the certifate from them as that's in the cars history and as the chassis is pretty solid, I'm guessing they did a reasonable job back then. I've seen how he responds to critisism and the complaints of his workmanship on here, so there's no chance of him getting my business, I simply dont have time for people that respond that way.

Instead, i think I'll be going for the recommendation from Rob as they're fairly local and looks like they have a good reputation.

lol, in that case please accept my apology... ive been around lro n here for many many years and chris's antics are a thorn in many sides... totally agree with your assesment of him... good luck in your search

cheers steve
Appears that his 'guarantee' extends to just squirting a bit more over any rust that appears - or suggesting you do that yourself........
Might just as well DIY, at least that way you'll know its been done.
Shame the thread was locked as I for one was waiting to see what his reply to Nidge was going to be.
Man's a total cnut, but as long as he shells out ££££ to LRO for his ads he won't be chucked out.
Appears that his 'guarantee' extends to just squirting a bit more over any rust that appears - or suggesting you do that yourself........
Might just as well DIY, at least that way you'll know its been done.
Shame the thread was locked as I for one was waiting to see what his reply to Nidge was going to be.
Man's a total cnut, but as long as he shells out ££££ to LRO for his ads he won't be chucked out.

nidge is a friend and i am certain it has taken a lot for him to respond as it was all put to bed a long while ago.... chrissy broke ranks n discussed and nidge posted the pics to disprove but knowing nidge he will leave it at the bare minimum to prove his version...

cheers steve

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