
New Member
Hi folks,

I've started to strip down the rear of my chassis to put a new crossmember on and I can't seem to budge the wiring loom.

I'm worried if I pull it too hard from the front it will damage the loom.

It has all been stripped away from the rear lights etc and goes into the chassis at the rear.

Is there anything I should try and do to get it out of the way before I cut the chassis legs?
What do you mean it wont budge?

If its all disconnected there shouldn't be anything holidng it in.

I attached a wire coat hanger to the loom, and then pulled it through from the front. Afterwards I had the end of the wire coat hanger to pull back through..

If its all disconnected and still stuck, then it could be theres been some work done on chassis already and they messed something up. Could add a photo to see what you mean...
I've tried pulling it from the front so the rear end of the loom goes into the chassis but it doesn't seem like it'll go easily...
you can cut rear off and leave loom in place if your carefull , use some welding wire to hold loom away from were your cutting if ,loom will be near the bottom so if you start near the top etc
Cheers guys, I have taken the rubber bungs out...

I may just cut it and re-solder them when it all goes back together
on a 90 the looms gets folded back on its self in the chassis (same loom for 90 and 110)then bound up with mud hence you cant move it
on a 90 the looms gets folded back on its self in the chassis (same loom for 90 and 110)then bound up with mud hence you cant move it

It is definitely bound up with mud as I can see inside the chasis through the rubber grommet hole...

I may just cut it and hold it out of the way

Thanks again chaps
Had an intermittent fault in my 90 rear loom so dragged it out and the sheathing was in a right mess and as mentioned previously it was the common one for the 110. Problem was found about halfway down (galvanising has done for one wire) so cut each wire and removed the excess ensuring the cuts were staggered to avoid all the joins being in one place. Soldered it all up and sleeved with heat shrink before applying new sheathing.
Didn't want to do it again so got some corrugated trunking and ran it through it and used tie wraps to fix it all to the top of the chassis. All still working fine a couple of years later.

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