Cheers guys, I'm pretty confident with my welding skills and am sure I can do it myself.. It's just easier with a crossmember that I can cut up rather than make it all myself

Well most of my chassis looked like that so I'm replacing it as we speak, had no idea of the cost involved but let's say very expensive, is it the part in the middle pic?
Even my chassis was repairable, anything is if done right and you no what your doing.
You could look at this situation as a way to perfect your welding skills Trilly909.

As for the safety/strength of welded chassis - I am no expert so cannot comment - but there was a thread on here a while back where a forum member was repairing a chassis that was so far gone it looked completely hopeless - much worse than yours by the sound of it (I think it had been dunked in saltwater at some point) - but he was determined not to scrap it and he was an excellent welder. He was also quite cunning about it, using overlaps to make sure the welded plates lent strength to each other. It goes to show that you need not throw away a chassis even if there is severe rust, as long as you are willing to put in some work.

Does anyone remember this thread/can someone post a link in case it is helpful?
It's got to be worth a try, as someone else said everything is salvageable and if you take your time and do it properly if can be stronger and longer lasting than the original
It passed the mot in feb and I said to the inspector to give it a good beating underneath to make sure it's all solid.

I would be a little concerned - for it to pass an MOT in February without an advisory on the rot, to FAILING 9 months later does not fill me with confidence.

I shall take your word for it that the chassis has been welded well and the rest of it is solid, but for the metal to fail on the A-frame mount without having been seriously thin and rotted 9 months ago is not possible unless you left it parked in the sea for the summer.

I'd get under it and start doing some fairly aggressive inspection work. - then buy lots of steel. Then think about SORNing it in the new year and saving for a chassis.
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Mine had a full MOT and an hole the size o me fist in the front chassis leg. when we changed the clutch the gearbox crossmember mounting plate was hiding an hole that ended up been 2" larger than the mounting plate. The chassis has had more patches than a nicotene addict. It passed this years MOT with the Advisory "Chassis has been welded in many places" :D My replacement chassis funds stands at £450. So it's gonna have a few more patches on it before I can afford a replacement chassis.

Ignore the doom sayers. and get a welder fired up. :) it's a Landy just weld the bugger.

Well most of my chassis looked like that so I'm replacing it as we speak, had no idea of the cost involved but let's say very expensive, is it the part in the middle pic?
Even my chassis was repairable, anything is if done right and you no what your doing.

if yours is a 110 there was a MOD sale place had some for sale under 500 quid, was Clearance - L.Jackson and Co. Ex. MOD Sales and NATO Disposals, Ex Military vehicles, used plant and equipment for sale give them a call don't know if any are left they had 6 I believe
Its not that bad see worse regulary , needs x member and extensions, plates behind gbox x member and bulkhead out riggers done properly, two days work as a complete vehicle so easier as just a stripped chassis

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