Looks like it ..

Im with you Paul, im in 2 minds about it.

The only thing thats making me err on the side of dont drive it, is that the TRF made a statement about "working on a plan" for motorised access.

From what i have read and seen, the TRF are a whole lot more active/ better funded than GLASS and Treadlightly. They actually seem to get results and get things done.

Just a thought mind.
I know ... used to be in TRF when I had me bikes .. they were brill!

I would hope the plan isn't along the lines of Gatesgarth, limited acces and first-come first-served. I'd suggest close it half the year, or seasonally, so it's open say summer and winter and they have spring and autumn to repair/let it repair itself ..

Or just open it and leave it, feck the others, they have thousands of miles to walk or cycle on .. and they feck enough of the footpaths up themselves!
I know ... used to be in TRF when I had me bikes .. they were brill!

I would hope the plan isn't along the lines of Gatesgarth, limited acces and first-come first-served. I'd suggest close it half the year, or seasonally, so it's open say summer and winter and they have spring and autumn to repair/let it repair itself ..

Or just open it and leave it, feck the others, they have thousands of miles to walk or cycle on .. and they feck enough of the footpaths up themselves!

Gatesgarth has a 3 year waiting list last time i enquired. And if i remember rightly you cant change any vehicles if you need to either. So in 3 years time you had better not be ill or be dead! :doh:

I think a seasonal TRO is a good idea. Having never driven it, is the base mud/soil? why is it so unsustainable, most of the lanes in the peaks are rock right?

If it was seasonal for motor vehicles then i bet you would be able to see the damage done by the bobble hat brigade in the closed season, and they wont want that!
This may not make me popular, but ...

Did Chapelgate today ...

From the village across to the Edge, so down the steps. One of these days I'm gonna take the mountain bike and 'do' the ridge of Rushup edge as it's a bridleway .. ;)

Dunno what the council fuss is over! Frankly the biggest obstacles, and ONLY place the Disco (This is not a lifted Disco, just 31" tyres and HD springs) rear-end touched down was on the concrete/stone, man-made drainage channels across the lane .. they're feckin' huuuge with one particularly large axle twister .... Rest of the lane, except for the very top, where there has obviously been someone, or a few, trying to get around what turned out to be a shallow, grippy based, puddle, is lovely, grippy (even with a small anount of sheet ice!) solid, and quite nice really. There's a lot of stone chippings/pebbles been laid and it's sanitised it somewhat .. in fact Roych is harder and nicer now!!

Still a technical drive with awesome views, great climbs, and obnoxiously photographing us as we passed, walkers ... The cyclists just looked wet, muddy and thanked us as we'd stopped to let 'em past!
The lane is open so should be driven. I will be taking my chance to drive this lane next week :D

it WILL be permanently TRO'd regardless of whether people drive it or not. along with quite a few more famous lanes in the peaks.
This may not make me popular, but ...

Did Chapelgate today ...

From the village across to the Edge, so down the steps. One of these days I'm gonna take the mountain bike and 'do' the ridge of Rushup edge as it's a bridleway .. ;)

Dunno what the council fuss is over! Frankly the biggest obstacles, and ONLY place the Disco (This is not a lifted Disco, just 31" tyres and HD springs) rear-end touched down was on the concrete/stone, man-made drainage channels across the lane .. they're feckin' huuuge with one particularly large axle twister .... Rest of the lane, except for the very top, where there has obviously been someone, or a few, trying to get around what turned out to be a shallow, grippy based, puddle, is lovely, grippy (even with a small anount of sheet ice!) solid, and quite nice really. There's a lot of stone chippings/pebbles been laid and it's sanitised it somewhat .. in fact Roych is harder and nicer now!!

Still a technical drive with awesome views, great climbs, and obnoxiously photographing us as we passed, walkers ... The cyclists just looked wet, muddy and thanked us as we'd stopped to let 'em past!

so you copy and pasted all the TRF stuff and agreed with the plea to not use it and then you post this :rolleyes::behindsofa:
Trf and TL are locked in a legal battle on our behalf and put out a sincere request.

To ignore that cause you know better is both arragant and ignorant.....IMO
Trf and TL are locked in a legal battle on our behalf and put out a sincere request.

To ignore that cause you know better is both arragant and ignorant.....IMO

I posted it, but didn't say I agreed with it, I said "Worth thinking about" I thought about, see following posts by me where I discuss it further after thinking about it, and decided that it was worth driving it. Conditions today were good and we did absolutely no damage to the lane. The mountain bike riders tracks did more damage ...

As I said, it might not make me popular ... and you're welcome to your opinion.
I posted it, but didn't say I agreed with it, I said "Worth thinking about" I thought about, see following posts by me where I discuss it further after thinking about it, and decided that it was worth driving it. Conditions today were good and we did absolutely no damage to the lane. The mountain bike riders tracks did more damage ...

As I said, it might not make me popular ... and you're welcome to your opinion.

My opinions not worth fook all if you ignore the likes of TreadLightly's opinion.

They are doing everything they can to win over a very delicate situation on our behalf.....the case in up in just a few weeks......would it have hurt to have waited?

But you know better and not only have you taken the risk and driven it but posted on a public part of the forum that it's absolutely fine to drive which will be read by fook knows how many people.....

Good work.....Well done.... :mad:
.. and the other posts with pics of people driving it last week?
My opinion's the same. Why would it be any different? :confused:

Would've posted last week if I'd seen it

That's my point, why not offer an opinion when the issue was being discussed? It's not like I hid away from it. Anyway, I've done it and now you say it's wrong. My posts show my thought processes and conditions today, although wet, said it was OK to be driven .. if it wasn't we wouldn't have done it!

As it turns out, there's hardly anything that can be made worse by vehicular passage .. I'd be happy to take a standard Freelander over it, with care! knowing it won't get broken or damage anything. The bobblies have a separated footpath alongside most of it, and it appears to me that it's _them_ that are causing damage ... no matter what they say. There's one part on the top where other 4x4's have gone off-piste and chewed up an area around a puddle .. we went through the puddle on the track and it was fine, so no need to go around!
That's my point, why not offer an opinion when the issue was being discussed? It's not like I hid away from it. Anyway, I've done it and now you say it's wrong. My posts show my thought processes and conditions today, although wet, said it was OK to be driven .. if it wasn't we wouldn't have done it!

As it turns out, there's hardly anything that can be made worse by vehicular passage .. I'd be happy to take a standard Freelander over it, with care! knowing it won't get broken or damage anything. The bobblies have a separated footpath alongside most of it, and it appears to me that it's _them_ that are causing damage ... no matter what they say. There's one part on the top where other 4x4's have gone off-piste and chewed up an area around a puddle .. we went through the puddle on the track and it was fine, so no need to go around!

I haven't commented because I've been working 12-14 hours a day, 7 days a week for more than 2 weeks now and hadn't seen it!

But you've driven it, no damage....great, no worries.....how many people, members and guests (this is viewable to EVERYONE remember) will read this and drive it?

Craigyb's post is worse if anything....''They'll close it anyway so best get in there quick....''

Those that are buried under a mountain of legal bull trying to pull a victory out of a disaster will be pleased......
OK, I guess we'll have to disagree then ..

I'm torn......

Whereas I think it was stupid to drive while TRF are trying their best. I know that we will never win many lanes back unless somthing serious is done serious stand in London outside parliment or somthing to stand up to the corrupt man in charge of the RoW and land access advisin g the govermnet. All the efforts of GLASS TRF and the like are helping slow down the complete closure of the greenlane network but ultimatly their advice is still not to drive until they win (which eventually they will lose (not this particular case but every case eventually) and the lanes will all be closed to vehicluar access it may take the councils/walkers longer but it will happen. So dispite everyone helping they themselves have effectivly closed them. GLASS ****ed me right off no bugger did owt in my area and I was on the phone solid for 2 weeks asking for the RoW guy to confirm their proposals and his advice was Surprise Surprise he can'ty tell me (Dispite being his job) and advoce was to stay off any lanes- what happened they ALL got closed. We have been trying for years and I mean 20+ following the rules and its not done us any favours we still lose lanes every day.

There is only three ways forward from here.
1- Stay as we are and have a long but losing battle lose our rights,
2- Get a fook load of Trail bikes landies and other 4x4s and protest in London calling for them to look at this discrace that is people losing their free right to greenlanes.

Before I say owt I'm not a fan of this but.........
3- Ignore all unjust TRO's and drive lanes sensibly enough people do it they will have to rethink their idea's

I'm happy to get involved in option 2. 1 hasn't worked for 20+ years. 3 may be the only option left after we lose our rights.

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