
Active Member
My RR has Xenons fitted by the previous owner and they're a pain. The driver's side radomly decides not to work and I get the constant bulb failure warning on both sides.

Looking at it I think it's a 'plug and play' system.

So my question is, can I just unplug it and go back to regular bulbs or is there more to it?
Scuse the ignorance, is/are the ballast the metal box fitted each side where the wiring for the Xenons come out of or is it something else/

Yes that's what they are. Depends how much butchery of original wiring has been done, how much work it is.
Mine had them. Fitted only to the OS wiring plug which gave the usual bulb warnings. Fitted the 100W halogen white replacements as suggested on here. Bought off ebay AP Performance. No more light warnings and updated all the front bulbs.
But they will push the MOSFET's to near the limit and put much more heat into the BECM. A stupid risk IMO:eek:

I suppose you could run them through a relay, but don't know what that would do to bulb warnings. But don't know why people think it's required, the standard lamps are more than adequate.:);)
I suppose you could run them through a relay, but don't know what that would do to bulb warnings. But don't know why people think it's required, the standard lamps are more than adequate.:);)
+1 to that and if night vision is poor, Nightbreakers do the job without the risk to the BECM.
+1 to that and if night vision is poor, Nightbreakers do the job without the risk to the BECM.

Have those fitted to mine, only thing i would say is wrong with standard lamps is they are a little weak on dip. :)
Funnily enough wammers, after using nightbreakers, everything seems weak on dip now !! i just put nightbreakers in the wife's MX5.. she can see where she's going now rather than using the force.

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