
New Member
Hey there, i was thinking about swapping my engine from a basic 2.5 to a 200tdi, was wondering if this was an easy job? even if i got it done at a garage professionally? and how much would it cost?
engine goes straight in from memory , think there is a top engine to gearbox stud to remove , and a small bit of fiddling with wiring . otherthan that p.o.p ( piece of **** )!! lol
Ah thanks, thats what i wanted to hear! haa do you know anywhere i could find a cheaper complete engine though? since im on a budget ha
HI my mate got a a disco of ebay took the engine out and scraped the rest getting his money back. you do need to pipe it up and the exast needs to be sorted but a 200tdi will fit straight to your gear box .You can buy a complete convershion kit of e:D:confused::Dbay all pipes and exast convertor £150 sory if my spellings **** but i hope this helps.:rolleyes:

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